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Hello and welcome to the PlayRho physics engine and library. PlayRho started off as a fork of the Box2D 2.3.2 code written by Erin Catto.

Years ago I worked on developing a video game that involved physical interactions such as collisions between entities. Not wanting to write a whole bunch of code for simulating physics if a library was already out there and ready to use, I found the Box2D library by Erin Catto and I was psyched! It took me a little getting used to but in the end I was able to get it to do everything I needed it to do.

My warmest thanks to Erin for developing Box2D and making it available for us to use.

Years later, I returned to Box2D for another game I started work on and instead fell in love with changing the Box2D library. At first this was just so I could use new features in C++14, but my work on the library grew to include many other changes including moving the fork off to its own repo and project name.

The project’s source code and API documentation are available online.


Louis Langholtz