On this year’s U.S. elections day, the New Mexico C++ Programmers Meetup Group held its Elect Your Favorite C++ Core Guideline! meetup event. This was a fun and lighthearted event I hosted for teaching each other about the C++ Core Guidelines and sharing our perspectives on them.

I nominated I.4: Make interfaces precisely and strongly typed. Some other guidelines were nominated and discussed. Like, I.13: Do not pass an array as a single pointer, and Per.6: Don’t make claims about performance without measurements. I have to say, I’m very fond of both of those as well.

Meetup group member and assistant organizer, Cliff Green, showed us a YouTube video A load of bool. In it, Björn Fahller, at C++ on Sea 2023, does a presentation with examples of problematic code and examples of more strongly typed code that addresses those issues. Thank you Björn!

In the end, I abstained from voting and the votes unanimously came in favor still for I.4. So, there you have it! This year’s elected C++ Core Guideline for the NM C++ Programmers, was I.4!

If you’re not already a member of the New Mexico C++ Programmers Meetup Group, but you’re interested in C++ even if you’re not in New Mexico, join the group! Joining is free and possibly fun!