PlayRho  1.1.0
An Interactive Real-Time-Oriented C++ Physics Engine & Library

This is the googletest based unit testing file for the playrho::d2::World class.

* Copyright (c) 2020 Louis Langholtz
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
* arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
* in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
* appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#include "UnitTests.hpp"
#include <PlayRho/Dynamics/World.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Dynamics/WorldBody.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Dynamics/WorldMisc.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Dynamics/WorldJoint.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Dynamics/WorldContact.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Dynamics/WorldFixture.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Dynamics/StepConf.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Dynamics/BodyConf.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Dynamics/Contacts/Contact.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Dynamics/ContactImpulsesList.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Collision/Shapes/DiskShapeConf.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Collision/Shapes/PolygonShapeConf.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Collision/Shapes/EdgeShapeConf.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Collision/Collision.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Collision/DynamicTree.hpp> // for GetTree
#include <PlayRho/Collision/RayCastInput.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Collision/RayCastOutput.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Collision/Manifold.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Common/LengthError.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Common/WrongState.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Dynamics/Joints/Joint.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Dynamics/Joints/TargetJointConf.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Dynamics/Joints/RopeJointConf.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Dynamics/Joints/RevoluteJointConf.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Dynamics/Joints/PrismaticJointConf.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Dynamics/Joints/DistanceJointConf.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Dynamics/Joints/PulleyJointConf.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Dynamics/Joints/WeldJointConf.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Dynamics/Joints/FrictionJointConf.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Dynamics/Joints/MotorJointConf.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Dynamics/Joints/WheelJointConf.hpp>
#include <PlayRho/Dynamics/Joints/GearJointConf.hpp>
#include <chrono>
#include <type_traits>
using namespace playrho;
using namespace playrho::d2;
template <typename T>
struct PushBackListener
std::vector<T> ids;
void operator()(T id)
TEST(World, ByteSize)
// Check size at test runtime instead of compile-time via static_assert to avoid stopping
// builds and to report actual size rather than just reporting that expected size is wrong.
EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(World), sizeof(void*));
TEST(World, Conf)
const auto worldConf = WorldConf{};
const auto defaultConf = GetDefaultWorldConf();
EXPECT_EQ(defaultConf.maxVertexRadius, worldConf.maxVertexRadius);
EXPECT_EQ(defaultConf.minVertexRadius, worldConf.minVertexRadius);
const auto stepConf = StepConf{};
const auto v = Real(1);
const auto n = nextafter(v, Real(0));
const auto time_inc = (v - n) * 1_s;
ASSERT_GT(time_inc, 0_s);
ASSERT_LT(time_inc, 1_s);
const auto max_inc = time_inc * stepConf.maxTranslation;
EXPECT_GT(max_inc, 0_m * 1_s);
TEST(World, Traits)
TEST(World, WorldLockedError)
const auto value = WrongState{"world is locked"};
EXPECT_STREQ(value.what(), "world is locked");
TEST(World, DefaultInit)
World world;
EXPECT_EQ(GetBodyCount(world), BodyCounter(0));
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetTree().GetLeafCount(), ContactCounter(0));
EXPECT_EQ(GetJointCount(world), JointCounter(0));
EXPECT_EQ(GetContactCount(world), ContactCounter(0));
EXPECT_EQ(GetHeight(world.GetTree()), ContactCounter(0));
EXPECT_EQ(ComputePerimeterRatio(world.GetTree()), Real(0));
const auto& bodies = world.GetBodies();
EXPECT_EQ(bodies.size(), BodyCounter(0));
EXPECT_EQ(bodies.begin(), bodies.end());
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetBodies().begin(), world.GetBodies().end());
const auto& w = static_cast<const World&>(world);
const auto& bodies = w.GetBodies();
EXPECT_EQ(bodies.size(), BodyCounter(0));
EXPECT_EQ(bodies.begin(), bodies.end());
EXPECT_EQ(w.GetBodies().begin(), w.GetBodies().end());
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetContacts().size(), ContactCounter(0));
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetContacts().begin(), world.GetContacts().end());
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetJoints().size(), JointCounter(0));
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetJoints().begin(), world.GetJoints().end());
TEST(World, Init)
World world{};
auto calls = 0;
Query(world.GetTree(), AABB{}, [&](FixtureID, ChildCounter) {
return true;
EXPECT_EQ(calls, 0);
const auto p1 = Length2{0_m, 0_m};
const auto p2 = Length2{100_m, 0_m};
auto calls = 0;
EXPECT_EQ(calls, 0);
TEST(World, InvalidArgumentInit)
const auto min = Positive<Length>(4_m);
const auto max = Positive<Length>(8_m);
ASSERT_GT(max, min);
const auto def = WorldConf{}.UseMinVertexRadius(max).UseMaxVertexRadius(min);
EXPECT_THROW(World{def}, InvalidArgument);
TEST(World, Clear)
auto jointListener = PushBackListener<JointID>{};
auto fixtureListener = PushBackListener<FixtureID>{};
auto world = World{};
ASSERT_EQ(world.GetBodies().size(), std::size_t(0));
ASSERT_EQ(world.GetJoints().size(), std::size_t(0));
ASSERT_EQ(GetJointRange(world), 0u);
const auto b0 = world.CreateBody();
ASSERT_NE(b0, InvalidBodyID);
const auto f0 = CreateFixture(world, b0, Shape{DiskShapeConf{}});
ASSERT_NE(f0, InvalidFixtureID);
ASSERT_EQ(world.GetFixtures(b0).size(), std::size_t(1));;
const auto b1 = world.CreateBody();
ASSERT_NE(b1, InvalidBodyID);
const auto f1 = CreateFixture(world, b1, Shape{DiskShapeConf{}});
ASSERT_NE(f1, InvalidFixtureID);
ASSERT_EQ(world.GetFixtures(b1).size(), std::size_t(1));;
const auto j0 = world.CreateJoint(Joint{DistanceJointConf{b0, b1}});
ASSERT_NE(j0, InvalidJointID);
ASSERT_EQ(world.GetBodies().size(), std::size_t(2));
ASSERT_EQ(world.GetJoints().size(), std::size_t(1));
ASSERT_EQ(GetJointRange(world), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetBodies().size(), std::size_t(0));
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetJoints().size(), std::size_t(0));
ASSERT_EQ(fixtureListener.ids.size(), std::size_t(2));
EXPECT_EQ(, f0);
EXPECT_EQ(, f1);
ASSERT_EQ(jointListener.ids.size(), std::size_t(1));
EXPECT_EQ(, j0);
const auto b2 = world.CreateBody();
EXPECT_LE(b2, b1);
const auto f2 = CreateFixture(world, b2, Shape{DiskShapeConf{}});
EXPECT_LE(f2, f1);
TEST(World, SetSubSteppingFreeFunction)
World world;
EXPECT_NO_THROW(SetSubStepping(world, true));
EXPECT_NO_THROW(SetSubStepping(world, false));
EXPECT_NO_THROW(SetSubStepping(world, true));
auto stepConf = StepConf{};
stepConf.deltaTime = Real(1) / 100_Hz;
EXPECT_NO_THROW(Step(world, stepConf));
auto world = World{};
auto stepConf = StepConf{};
stepConf.deltaTime = Real(1) / 100_Hz;
const auto b0 = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}
.UseLocation(Length2{-2_m, 2_m})
ASSERT_NE(b0, InvalidBodyID);
ASSERT_NE(CreateFixture(world, b0, Shape{DiskShapeConf{}.UseDensity(1_kgpm2).UseRadius(1_m)}),
const auto b1 = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}
.UseLocation(Length2{+2_m, 2_m})
ASSERT_NE(b1, InvalidBodyID);
ASSERT_NE(CreateFixture(world, b1, Shape{DiskShapeConf{}.UseDensity(1_kgpm2).UseRadius(1_m)}),
const auto stabody = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Static));
CreateFixture(world, stabody, Shape{EdgeShapeConf{Length2{-10_m, 0_m}, Length2{+10_m, 0_m}}});
while (world.IsStepComplete())
TEST(World, CopyConstruction)
auto world = World{};
const auto copy = World{world};
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetMinVertexRadius(), copy.GetMinVertexRadius());
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetMaxVertexRadius(), copy.GetMaxVertexRadius());
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetJoints().size(), copy.GetJoints().size());
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetBodies().size(), copy.GetBodies().size());
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetContacts().size(), copy.GetContacts().size());
EXPECT_EQ(GetHeight(world.GetTree()), GetHeight(copy.GetTree()));
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetTree().GetLeafCount(), copy.GetTree().GetLeafCount());
EXPECT_EQ(GetMaxImbalance(world.GetTree()), GetMaxImbalance(copy.GetTree()));
const auto shape = Shape{DiskShapeConf{}.UseDensity(1_kgpm2).UseRadius(1_m)};
const auto b1 = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic));
CreateFixture(world, b1, shape);
const auto b2 = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic));
CreateFixture(world, b2, shape);
// Add another body on top of previous and that's not part of any joints to ensure at 1 contact
const auto b3 = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic));
CreateFixture(world, b3, shape);
const auto b4 = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic));
CreateFixture(world, b4, shape);
const auto b5 = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic));
CreateFixture(world, b5, shape);
const auto rj1 = world.CreateJoint(Joint{RevoluteJointConf{b1, b2}});
const auto rj2 = world.CreateJoint(Joint{RevoluteJointConf{b3, b4}});
world.CreateJoint(Joint{GetPulleyJointConf(world, b1, b2, Length2{}, Length2{},
Length2{}, Length2{}).UseRatio(Real(1))});
world.CreateJoint(Joint{GetWeldJointConf(world, b4, b5)});
world.CreateJoint(Joint{RopeJointConf{b4, b5}});
world.CreateJoint(Joint{GetMotorJointConf(world, b4, b5)});
world.CreateJoint(Joint{WheelJointConf{b4, b5}});
world.CreateJoint(Joint{GetGearJointConf(world, rj1, rj2)});
auto stepConf = StepConf{};
const auto copy = World{world};
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetMinVertexRadius(), copy.GetMinVertexRadius());
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetMaxVertexRadius(), copy.GetMaxVertexRadius());
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetJoints().size(), copy.GetJoints().size());
const auto minJoints = std::min(world.GetJoints().size(), copy.GetJoints().size());
auto worldJointIter = world.GetJoints().begin();
auto copyJointIter = copy.GetJoints().begin();
for (auto i = decltype(minJoints){0}; i < minJoints; ++i)
EXPECT_EQ(GetType(world, *worldJointIter), GetType(copy, *copyJointIter));
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetBodies().size(), copy.GetBodies().size());
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetContacts().size(), copy.GetContacts().size());
EXPECT_EQ(GetHeight(world.GetTree()), GetHeight(copy.GetTree()));
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetTree().GetLeafCount(), copy.GetTree().GetLeafCount());
EXPECT_EQ(GetMaxImbalance(world.GetTree()), GetMaxImbalance(copy.GetTree()));
TEST(World, CopyAssignment)
auto world = World{};
auto copy = World{};
copy = world;
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetMinVertexRadius(), copy.GetMinVertexRadius());
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetMaxVertexRadius(), copy.GetMaxVertexRadius());
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetJoints().size(), copy.GetJoints().size());
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetBodies().size(), copy.GetBodies().size());
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetContacts().size(), copy.GetContacts().size());
EXPECT_EQ(GetHeight(world.GetTree()), GetHeight(copy.GetTree()));
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetTree().GetLeafCount(), copy.GetTree().GetLeafCount());
EXPECT_EQ(GetMaxImbalance(world.GetTree()), GetMaxImbalance(copy.GetTree()));
const auto shape = Shape{DiskShapeConf{}.UseDensity(1_kgpm2).UseRadius(1_m)};
const auto b1 = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic));
CreateFixture(world, b1, shape);
const auto b2 = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic));
CreateFixture(world, b2, shape);
world.CreateJoint(Joint{GetPulleyJointConf(world, b1, b2, Length2{}, Length2{},
Length2{}, Length2{}).UseRatio(Real(1))});
auto stepConf = StepConf{};
auto copy = World{};
copy = world;
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetMinVertexRadius(), copy.GetMinVertexRadius());
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetMaxVertexRadius(), copy.GetMaxVertexRadius());
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetJoints().size(), copy.GetJoints().size());
const auto minJoints = std::min(world.GetJoints().size(), copy.GetJoints().size());
auto worldJointIter = world.GetJoints().begin();
auto copyJointIter = copy.GetJoints().begin();
for (auto i = decltype(minJoints){0}; i < minJoints; ++i)
EXPECT_EQ(GetType(world, *worldJointIter), GetType(copy, *copyJointIter));
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetBodies().size(), copy.GetBodies().size());
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetContacts().size(), copy.GetContacts().size());
EXPECT_EQ(GetHeight(world.GetTree()), GetHeight(copy.GetTree()));
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetTree().GetLeafCount(), copy.GetTree().GetLeafCount());
EXPECT_EQ(GetMaxImbalance(world.GetTree()), GetMaxImbalance(copy.GetTree()));
TEST(World, CreateDestroyEmptyDynamicBody)
auto world = World{};
ASSERT_EQ(GetBodyCount(world), BodyCounter(0));
const auto body = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic));
ASSERT_NE(body, InvalidBodyID);
EXPECT_EQ(GetType(world, body), BodyType::Dynamic);
EXPECT_TRUE(IsSpeedable(world, body));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsAccelerable(world, body));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsImpenetrable(world, body));
EXPECT_EQ(GetFixtures(world, body).size(), std::size_t{0});
EXPECT_EQ(GetBodyCount(world), BodyCounter(1));
const auto bodies1 = world.GetBodies();
EXPECT_EQ(bodies1.size(), BodyCounter(1));
EXPECT_NE(bodies1.begin(), bodies1.end());
const auto first = bodies1.begin();
EXPECT_EQ(body, *first);
EXPECT_EQ(GetBodyCount(world), BodyCounter(0));
const auto& bodies2 = world.GetBodies();
EXPECT_EQ(bodies2.size(), BodyCounter(0));
TEST(World, CreateDestroyDynamicBodyAndFixture)
// Created this test after receiving issue #306:
// Rapid create/destroy between step() causes SEGFAULT
auto world = World{};
ASSERT_EQ(GetBodyCount(world), BodyCounter(0));
const auto body = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic));
ASSERT_NE(body, InvalidBodyID);
EXPECT_EQ(GetType(world, body), BodyType::Dynamic);
EXPECT_TRUE(IsSpeedable(world, body));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsAccelerable(world, body));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsImpenetrable(world, body));
EXPECT_EQ(GetFixtures(world, body).size(), std::size_t{0});
EXPECT_EQ(GetBodyCount(world), BodyCounter(1));
const auto bodies1 = world.GetBodies();
EXPECT_EQ(bodies1.size(), BodyCounter(1));
EXPECT_NE(bodies1.begin(), bodies1.end());
const auto first = bodies1.begin();
EXPECT_EQ(body, *first);
const auto fixture = CreateFixture(world, body, Shape{DiskShapeConf{1_m}});
ASSERT_NE(fixture, InvalidFixtureID);
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetBodiesForProxies().size(), std::size_t{0});
EXPECT_EQ(GetFixtures(world, body).size(), std::size_t{1});
world.Destroy(body); // should clear fixtures for proxies!
EXPECT_EQ(GetBodyCount(world), BodyCounter(0));
const auto& bodies2 = world.GetBodies();
EXPECT_EQ(bodies2.size(), BodyCounter(0));
TEST(World, CreateDestroyJoinedBodies)
auto jointListener = PushBackListener<JointID>{};
auto fixtureListener = PushBackListener<FixtureID>{};
auto world = World{};
ASSERT_EQ(GetBodyCount(world), BodyCounter(0));
ASSERT_EQ(GetJointCount(world), JointCounter(0));
SetJointDestructionListener(world, std::ref(jointListener));
SetFixtureDestructionListener(world, std::ref(fixtureListener));
const auto body = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic));
EXPECT_EQ(GetBodyCount(world), BodyCounter(1));
const auto& bodies1 = world.GetBodies();
EXPECT_EQ(bodies1.size(), BodyCounter(1));
EXPECT_NE(bodies1.begin(), bodies1.end());
ASSERT_NE(body, InvalidBodyID);
EXPECT_EQ(body, *bodies1.begin());
const auto body2 = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic));
EXPECT_EQ(GetBodyCount(world), BodyCounter(2));
const auto f0 = CreateFixture(world, body, Shape{DiskShapeConf{1_m}});
const auto f1 = CreateFixture(world, body2, Shape{DiskShapeConf{1_m}});
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetContacts().size(), ContactCounter(0));
auto stepConf = StepConf{};
ASSERT_EQ(world.GetContacts().size(), ContactCounter(1));
const auto contact0 = std::get<ContactID>(*world.GetContacts().begin());
const auto contactBodyA = GetBodyA(world, contact0);
const auto contactBodyB = GetBodyB(world, contact0);
EXPECT_EQ(contactBodyA, body);
EXPECT_EQ(contactBodyB, body2);
const auto c0 = world.GetContacts().begin();
EXPECT_FALSE(NeedsFiltering(world, c0->second));
const auto joint = world.CreateJoint(Joint{DistanceJointConf{body, body2}});
ASSERT_NE(joint, InvalidJointID);
EXPECT_EQ(GetJointCount(world), JointCounter(1));
EXPECT_TRUE(NeedsFiltering(world, c0->second));
EXPECT_EQ(GetBodyCount(world), BodyCounter(1));
EXPECT_EQ(GetJointCount(world), JointCounter(0));
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetContacts().size(), ContactCounter(0));
const auto& bodies0 = world.GetBodies();
EXPECT_EQ(bodies0.size(), BodyCounter(1));
EXPECT_NE(bodies0.begin(), bodies0.end());
EXPECT_EQ(GetBodyCount(world), BodyCounter(0));
ASSERT_EQ(fixtureListener.ids.size(), std::size_t(2));
EXPECT_EQ(, f0);
EXPECT_EQ(, f1);
ASSERT_EQ(jointListener.ids.size(), std::size_t(1));
EXPECT_EQ(, joint);
TEST(World, CreateDestroyContactingBodies)
auto world = World{};
ASSERT_EQ(GetBodyCount(world), BodyCounter(0));
ASSERT_EQ(GetJointCount(world), JointCounter(0));
ASSERT_EQ(world.GetBodiesForProxies().size(), static_cast<decltype(world.GetBodiesForProxies().size())>(0));
ASSERT_EQ(world.GetTree().GetNodeCount(), static_cast<decltype(world.GetTree().GetNodeCount())>(0));
auto contacts = world.GetContacts();
ASSERT_EQ(contacts.size(), ContactCounter(0));
const auto l1 = Length2{};
const auto l2 = Length2{};
const auto body1 = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic).UseLocation(l1));
const auto body2 = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic).UseLocation(l2));
EXPECT_EQ(GetBodyCount(world), BodyCounter(2));
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetBodiesForProxies().size(), static_cast<decltype(world.GetBodiesForProxies().size())>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetTree().GetNodeCount(), static_cast<decltype(world.GetTree().GetNodeCount())>(0));
EXPECT_NE(CreateFixture(world, body1, Shape{DiskShapeConf{1_m}.UseDensity(1_kgpm2)}), InvalidFixtureID);
EXPECT_NE(CreateFixture(world, body2, Shape{DiskShapeConf{1_m}.UseDensity(1_kgpm2)}), InvalidFixtureID);
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetBodiesForProxies().size(), static_cast<decltype(world.GetBodiesForProxies().size())>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(GetFixtureCount(world), std::size_t(2));
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetTree().GetNodeCount(), static_cast<decltype(world.GetTree().GetNodeCount())>(0));
const auto stepConf = StepConf{};
const auto stats0 = world.Step(stepConf);
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetBodiesForProxies().size(), static_cast<decltype(world.GetBodiesForProxies().size())>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetTree().GetNodeCount(), static_cast<decltype(world.GetTree().GetNodeCount())>(3));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.pre.proxiesMoved, static_cast<decltype(stats0.pre.proxiesMoved)>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.pre.destroyed, static_cast<decltype(stats0.pre.destroyed)>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.pre.added, static_cast<decltype(stats0.pre.added)>(1));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.pre.ignored, static_cast<decltype(stats0.pre.ignored)>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.pre.updated, static_cast<decltype(stats0.pre.updated)>(1));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.pre.skipped, static_cast<decltype(stats0.pre.skipped)>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.reg.minSeparation, -2.0_m);
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.reg.maxIncImpulse, 0.0_Ns);
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.reg.islandsFound, static_cast<decltype(stats0.reg.islandsFound)>(1));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.reg.islandsSolved, static_cast<decltype(stats0.reg.islandsSolved)>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.reg.contactsAdded, static_cast<decltype(stats0.reg.contactsAdded)>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.reg.bodiesSlept, static_cast<decltype(stats0.reg.bodiesSlept)>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.reg.proxiesMoved, static_cast<decltype(stats0.reg.proxiesMoved)>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.reg.sumPosIters, static_cast<decltype(stats0.reg.sumPosIters)>(3));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.reg.sumVelIters, static_cast<decltype(stats0.reg.sumVelIters)>(1));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.toi.minSeparation, std::numeric_limits<Length>::infinity());
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.toi.maxIncImpulse, 0.0_Ns);
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.toi.islandsFound, static_cast<decltype(stats0.toi.islandsFound)>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.toi.islandsSolved, static_cast<decltype(stats0.toi.islandsSolved)>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.toi.contactsFound, static_cast<decltype(stats0.toi.contactsFound)>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.toi.contactsAtMaxSubSteps, static_cast<decltype(stats0.toi.contactsAtMaxSubSteps)>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.toi.contactsUpdatedToi, static_cast<decltype(stats0.toi.contactsUpdatedToi)>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.toi.contactsUpdatedTouching, static_cast<decltype(stats0.toi.contactsUpdatedTouching)>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.toi.contactsSkippedTouching, static_cast<decltype(stats0.toi.contactsSkippedTouching)>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.toi.contactsAdded, static_cast<decltype(stats0.toi.contactsAdded)>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.toi.proxiesMoved, static_cast<decltype(stats0.toi.proxiesMoved)>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.toi.sumPosIters, static_cast<decltype(stats0.toi.sumPosIters)>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.toi.sumVelIters, static_cast<decltype(stats0.toi.sumVelIters)>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.toi.maxSimulContacts, static_cast<decltype(stats0.toi.maxSimulContacts)>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.toi.maxDistIters, static_cast<decltype(stats0.toi.maxDistIters)>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.toi.maxToiIters, static_cast<decltype(stats0.toi.maxToiIters)>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(stats0.toi.maxRootIters, static_cast<decltype(stats0.toi.maxRootIters)>(0));
contacts = world.GetContacts();
EXPECT_EQ(contacts.size(), ContactCounter(1));
if (contacts.size() == 1u) {
EXPECT_EQ(GetFixtureA(world, contacts.begin()->second),
*GetFixtures(world, body1).begin());
EXPECT_EQ(GetFixtureB(world, contacts.begin()->second),
*GetFixtures(world, body2).begin());
EXPECT_EQ(GetBodyCount(world), BodyCounter(1));
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetBodiesForProxies().size(), static_cast<decltype(world.GetBodiesForProxies().size())>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetTree().GetNodeCount(), static_cast<decltype(world.GetTree().GetNodeCount())>(1));
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetBodiesForProxies().size(), static_cast<decltype(world.GetBodiesForProxies().size())>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetTree().GetNodeCount(), static_cast<decltype(world.GetTree().GetNodeCount())>(1));
contacts = world.GetContacts();
EXPECT_EQ(contacts.size(), ContactCounter(0));
EXPECT_EQ(GetBodyCount(world), BodyCounter(0));
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetTree().GetNodeCount(), static_cast<decltype(world.GetTree().GetNodeCount())>(0));
contacts = world.GetContacts();
EXPECT_EQ(contacts.size(), ContactCounter(0));
EXPECT_EQ(GetFixtureCount(world), std::size_t(0));
TEST(World, SetUnsetSetImpenetrable)
auto world = World{};
EXPECT_THROW(SetImpenetrable(world, InvalidBodyID), std::out_of_range);
EXPECT_THROW(UnsetImpenetrable(world, InvalidBodyID), std::out_of_range);
const auto body = CreateBody(world);
EXPECT_NO_THROW(SetImpenetrable(world, body));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsImpenetrable(world, body));
EXPECT_NO_THROW(UnsetImpenetrable(world, body));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsImpenetrable(world, body));
EXPECT_NO_THROW(SetImpenetrable(world, body));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsImpenetrable(world, body));
auto world = World{};
EXPECT_THROW(SetSleepingAllowed(world, InvalidBodyID, true), std::out_of_range);
const auto body = CreateBody(world);
SetType(world, body, BodyType::Static);
ASSERT_FALSE(IsSpeedable(GetType(world, body)));
EXPECT_NO_THROW(SetSleepingAllowed(world, body, true));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsSleepingAllowed(world, body));
EXPECT_NO_THROW(SetSleepingAllowed(world, body, false));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsSleepingAllowed(world, body));
SetType(world, body, BodyType::Dynamic);
ASSERT_TRUE(IsSpeedable(GetType(world, body)));
EXPECT_NO_THROW(SetSleepingAllowed(world, body, true));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsSleepingAllowed(world, body));
EXPECT_NO_THROW(SetSleepingAllowed(world, body, false));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsSleepingAllowed(world, body));
auto world = World{};
auto value = 1_Hz;
EXPECT_THROW(SetLinearDamping(world, InvalidBodyID, value), std::out_of_range);
const auto body = CreateBody(world);
value = 2_Hz;
EXPECT_NO_THROW(SetLinearDamping(world, body, value));
EXPECT_EQ(GetLinearDamping(world, body), value);
value = 23_Hz;
EXPECT_NO_THROW(SetLinearDamping(world, body, value));
EXPECT_EQ(GetLinearDamping(world, body), value);
auto world = World{};
auto value = 1_Hz;
EXPECT_THROW(SetAngularDamping(world, InvalidBodyID, value), std::out_of_range);
const auto body = CreateBody(world);
value = 2_Hz;
EXPECT_NO_THROW(SetAngularDamping(world, body, value));
EXPECT_EQ(GetAngularDamping(world, body), value);
value = 23_Hz;
EXPECT_NO_THROW(SetAngularDamping(world, body, value));
EXPECT_EQ(GetAngularDamping(world, body), value);
TEST(World, SynchronizeProxies)
auto world = World{};
const auto stepConf = StepConf{};
EXPECT_EQ(world.Step(stepConf).pre.proxiesMoved, PreStepStats::counter_type(0));
const auto bodyA = world.CreateBody();
CreateFixture(world, bodyA, Shape{DiskShapeConf(1_m)});
EXPECT_EQ(world.Step(stepConf).pre.proxiesMoved, PreStepStats::counter_type(0));
SetLocation(world, bodyA, Length2{10_m, -4_m});
EXPECT_EQ(world.Step(stepConf).pre.proxiesMoved, PreStepStats::counter_type(1));
TEST(World, SetTypeOfBody)
auto world = World{};
const auto body = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic));
ASSERT_EQ(GetType(world, body), BodyType::Dynamic);
auto other = World{};
EXPECT_THROW(SetType(other, body, BodyType::Static), std::out_of_range);
EXPECT_EQ(GetType(world, body), BodyType::Dynamic);
SetType(world, body, BodyType::Static);
EXPECT_EQ(GetType(world, body), BodyType::Static);
TEST(World, Query)
auto world = World{};
ASSERT_EQ(GetBodyCount(world), BodyCounter(0));
const auto body = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic));
ASSERT_NE(body, InvalidBodyID);
ASSERT_EQ(GetType(world, body), BodyType::Dynamic);
ASSERT_TRUE(IsSpeedable(world, body));
ASSERT_TRUE(IsAccelerable(world, body));
ASSERT_FALSE(IsImpenetrable(world, body));
ASSERT_EQ(GetX(GetLocation(world, body)), 0_m);
ASSERT_EQ(GetY(GetLocation(world, body)), 0_m);
ASSERT_EQ(GetX(GetLinearAcceleration(world, body)), 0_mps2);
ASSERT_EQ(GetY(GetLinearAcceleration(world, body)), 0_mps2);
const auto v1 = Length2{-1_m, 0_m};
const auto v2 = Length2{+1_m, 0_m};
const auto conf = EdgeShapeConf{}.UseVertexRadius(1_m).UseDensity(1_kgpm2).Set(v1, v2);
ASSERT_EQ(GetChildCount(conf), ChildCounter(1));
const auto fixture = CreateFixture(world, body, Shape{conf});
ASSERT_NE(fixture, InvalidFixtureID);
auto stepConf = StepConf{};
stepConf.deltaTime = 0_s;
auto foundOurs = 0;
auto foundOthers = 0;
Query(world.GetTree(), AABB{v1, v2}, [&](FixtureID f, ChildCounter i) {
if (f == fixture && i == 0)
return true;
EXPECT_EQ(foundOurs, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(foundOthers, 0);
TEST(World, RayCast)
World world{};
ASSERT_EQ(GetBodyCount(world), BodyCounter(0));
const auto p0 = Length2{-10_m, +3_m};
const auto b0 = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic).UseLocation(p0));
ASSERT_NE(CreateFixture(world, b0, Shape{DiskShapeConf{1_m}}), InvalidFixtureID);
const auto p1 = Length2{+1_m, 0_m};
const auto b1 = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic).UseLocation(p1));
ASSERT_NE(CreateFixture(world, b1, Shape{DiskShapeConf{0.1_m}}), InvalidFixtureID);
const auto b2 = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Static).UseLocation(Length2{-100_m, -100_m}));
ASSERT_NE(CreateFixture(world, b2, Shape{EdgeShapeConf{Length2{}, Length2{-20_m, -20_m}}}), InvalidFixtureID);
const auto body = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic));
ASSERT_NE(body, InvalidBodyID);
ASSERT_EQ(GetType(world, body), BodyType::Dynamic);
ASSERT_TRUE(IsSpeedable(world, body));
ASSERT_TRUE(IsAccelerable(world, body));
ASSERT_FALSE(IsImpenetrable(world, body));
ASSERT_EQ(GetX(GetLocation(world, body)), 0_m);
ASSERT_EQ(GetY(GetLocation(world, body)), 0_m);
ASSERT_EQ(GetX(GetLinearAcceleration(world, body)), 0_mps2);
ASSERT_EQ(GetY(GetLinearAcceleration(world, body)), 0_mps2);
const auto v1 = Length2{-1_m, 0_m};
const auto v2 = Length2{+1_m, 0_m};
const auto conf = EdgeShapeConf{}.UseVertexRadius(1_m).UseDensity(1_kgpm2).Set(v1, v2);
const auto shape = Shape{conf};
ASSERT_EQ(GetChildCount(shape), ChildCounter(1));
const auto fixture = CreateFixture(world, body, shape);
ASSERT_NE(fixture, InvalidFixtureID);
auto stepConf = StepConf{};
stepConf.deltaTime = 0_s;
const auto p2 = Length2{-2_m, 0_m};
const auto p3 = Length2{+2_m, 0_m};
auto foundOurs = 0;
auto foundOthers = 0;
const auto retval = RayCast(world, RayCastInput{p2, p3, UnitInterval<Real>{1}},
if (f == fixture && i == 0)
EXPECT_EQ(foundOurs, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(foundOthers, 1);
const auto p2 = Length2{-2_m, 0_m};
const auto p3 = Length2{+2_m, 0_m};
auto foundOurs = 0;
auto foundOthers = 0;
const auto retval = RayCast(world, RayCastInput{p2, p3, UnitInterval<Real>{1}},
if (f == fixture && i == 0)
return RayCastOpcode::Terminate;
EXPECT_EQ(foundOurs, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(foundOthers, 0);
const auto p2 = Length2{-2_m, 0_m};
const auto p3 = Length2{+2_m, 0_m};
auto foundOurs = 0;
auto foundOthers = 0;
const auto retval = RayCast(world, RayCastInput{p2, p3, UnitInterval<Real>{1}},
if (f == fixture && i == 0)
return RayCastOpcode::IgnoreFixture;
EXPECT_EQ(foundOurs, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(foundOthers, 1);
const auto p2 = Length2{ +5_m, 0_m};
const auto p3 = Length2{+10_m, 0_m};
auto foundOurs = 0;
auto foundOthers = 0;
const auto retval = RayCast(world, RayCastInput{p2, p3, UnitInterval<Real>{1}},
if (f == fixture && i == 0)
return RayCastOpcode::IgnoreFixture;
EXPECT_EQ(foundOurs, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(foundOthers, 0);
const auto p2 = Length2{-2_m, 0_m};
const auto p3 = Length2{+2_m, 0_m};
auto foundOurs = 0;
auto foundOthers = 0;
const auto retval = RayCast(world, RayCastInput{p2, p3, UnitInterval<Real>{1}},
if (f == fixture && i == 0)
return RayCastOpcode::ClipRay;
EXPECT_EQ(foundOurs, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(foundOthers, 0);
const auto p2 = Length2{-3_m, 0_m};
const auto p3 = Length2{+2_m, 10_m};
auto foundOurs = 0;
auto foundOthers = 0;
const auto retval = RayCast(world, RayCastInput{p2, p3, UnitInterval<Real>{1}},
if (f == fixture && i == 0)
EXPECT_EQ(foundOurs, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(foundOthers, 0);
auto found = 0;
const auto rci = RayCastInput{Length2{-100_m, -101_m}, Length2{-120_m, -121_m}, Real{0.9f}};
const auto retval = RayCast(world, rci,
return RayCastOpcode::Terminate;
EXPECT_EQ(found, 0);
TEST(World, ClearForcesFreeFunction)
World world;
ASSERT_EQ(GetBodyCount(world), BodyCounter(0));
const auto body = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic).UseLinearAcceleration(EarthlyGravity));
ASSERT_NE(body, InvalidBodyID);
ASSERT_EQ(GetType(world, body), BodyType::Dynamic);
ASSERT_TRUE(IsSpeedable(world, body));
ASSERT_TRUE(IsAccelerable(world, body));
ASSERT_FALSE(IsImpenetrable(world, body));
ASSERT_EQ(GetX(GetLinearAcceleration(world, body)), GetX(EarthlyGravity));
ASSERT_EQ(GetY(GetLinearAcceleration(world, body)), GetY(EarthlyGravity));
const auto v1 = Length2{-1_m, 0_m};
const auto v2 = Length2{+1_m, 0_m};
const auto conf = EdgeShapeConf{}.UseVertexRadius(1_m).UseDensity(1_kgpm2).Set(v1, v2);
const auto shape = Shape{conf};
const auto fixture = CreateFixture(world, body, shape);
ASSERT_NE(fixture, InvalidFixtureID);
ApplyForceToCenter(world, body, Force2(2_N, 4_N));
ASSERT_NE(GetX(GetLinearAcceleration(world, body)), GetX(EarthlyGravity));
ASSERT_NE(GetY(GetLinearAcceleration(world, body)), GetY(EarthlyGravity));
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLinearAcceleration(world, body)), 0_mps2);
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLinearAcceleration(world, body)), 0_mps2);
TEST(World, SetAccelerationsFunctionalFF)
World world;
const auto a1 = Acceleration{
const auto a2 = a1 * 2;
ASSERT_EQ(a1.linear * 2, a2.linear);
ASSERT_EQ(a1.angular * 2, a2.angular);
const auto b1 = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic));
ASSERT_NE(b1, InvalidBodyID);
ASSERT_TRUE(IsAccelerable(world, b1));
SetAcceleration(world, b1, a1);
ASSERT_EQ(GetAcceleration(world, b1), a1);
const auto b2 = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic));
ASSERT_NE(b2, InvalidBodyID);
ASSERT_TRUE(IsAccelerable(world, b2));
SetAcceleration(world, b2, a2);
ASSERT_EQ(GetAcceleration(world, b2), a2);
SetAccelerations(world, [](const World& world, BodyID b) {
return GetAcceleration(world, b) * 2;
EXPECT_EQ(GetAcceleration(world, b1), a1 * 2);
EXPECT_EQ(GetAcceleration(world, b2), a2 * 2);
TEST(World, SetLinearAccelerationsFF)
World world;
const auto a1 = Acceleration{
const auto a2 = a1 * 2;
ASSERT_EQ(a1.linear * 2, a2.linear);
ASSERT_EQ(a1.angular * 2, a2.angular);
const auto b1 = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic));
ASSERT_NE(b1, InvalidBodyID);
ASSERT_TRUE(IsAccelerable(world, b1));
SetAcceleration(world, b1, a1);
ASSERT_EQ(GetAcceleration(world, b1), a1);
const auto b2 = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic));
ASSERT_NE(b2, InvalidBodyID);
ASSERT_TRUE(IsAccelerable(world, b2));
SetAcceleration(world, b2, a2);
ASSERT_EQ(GetAcceleration(world, b2), a2);
ASSERT_EQ(GetAcceleration(world, b1), a1);
ASSERT_EQ(GetAcceleration(world, b2), a2);
SetAccelerations(world, a1.linear * 2);
EXPECT_EQ(GetAcceleration(world, b1), (Acceleration{a1.linear * 2, a1.angular}));
EXPECT_EQ(GetAcceleration(world, b2), (Acceleration{a1.linear * 2, a2.angular}));
TEST(World, FindClosestBodyFF)
World world;
ASSERT_EQ(FindClosestBody(world, Length2{}), InvalidBodyID);
const auto b1 = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseLocation(Length2{10_m, 10_m}));
EXPECT_EQ(FindClosestBody(world, Length2{0_m, 0_m}), b1);
const auto b2 = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseLocation(Length2{1_m, -2_m}));
EXPECT_EQ(FindClosestBody(world, Length2{0_m, 0_m}), b2);
const auto b3 = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseLocation(Length2{-5_m, 4_m}));
EXPECT_NE(FindClosestBody(world, Length2{0_m, 0_m}), b3);
EXPECT_EQ(FindClosestBody(world, Length2{0_m, 0_m}), b2);
TEST(World, GetShapeCountFreeFunction)
World world{};
ASSERT_EQ(GetBodyCount(world), BodyCounter(0));
ASSERT_EQ(GetShapeCount(world), std::size_t(0));
const auto body = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic));
ASSERT_NE(body, InvalidBodyID);
const auto v1 = Length2{-1_m, 0_m};
const auto v2 = Length2{+1_m, 0_m};
const auto shapeConf = EdgeShapeConf{}.UseVertexRadius(1_m).UseDensity(1_kgpm2).Set(v1, v2);
const auto shape1 = Shape{shapeConf};
const auto fixture1 = CreateFixture(world, body, shape1);
ASSERT_NE(fixture1, InvalidFixtureID);
EXPECT_EQ(GetShapeCount(world), std::size_t(1));
const auto fixture2 = CreateFixture(world, body, shape1);
ASSERT_NE(fixture2, InvalidFixtureID);
EXPECT_EQ(GetShapeCount(world), std::size_t(1));
const auto shape2 = Shape{shapeConf};
const auto fixture3 = CreateFixture(world, body, shape2);
ASSERT_NE(fixture3, InvalidFixtureID);
EXPECT_EQ(GetShapeCount(world), std::size_t(2));
TEST(World, GetFixtureCountFreeFunction)
World world{};
ASSERT_EQ(GetBodyCount(world), BodyCounter(0));
ASSERT_EQ(GetFixtureCount(world), std::size_t(0));
const auto body = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic));
ASSERT_NE(body, InvalidBodyID);
const auto v1 = Length2{-1_m, 0_m};
const auto v2 = Length2{+1_m, 0_m};
const auto shapeConf = EdgeShapeConf{}
.UseVertexRadius(1_m).UseDensity(1_kgpm2).Set(v1, v2);
const auto shape = Shape{shapeConf};
const auto fixture1 = CreateFixture(world, body, shape);
ASSERT_NE(fixture1, InvalidFixtureID);
EXPECT_EQ(GetFixtureCount(world), std::size_t(1));
const auto fixture2 = CreateFixture(world, body, shape);
ASSERT_NE(fixture2, InvalidFixtureID);
EXPECT_EQ(GetFixtureCount(world), std::size_t(2));
const auto fixture3 = CreateFixture(world, body, shape);
ASSERT_NE(fixture3, InvalidFixtureID);
EXPECT_EQ(GetFixtureCount(world), std::size_t(3));
TEST(World, AwakenFreeFunction)
World world{};
ASSERT_EQ(GetBodyCount(world), BodyCounter(0));
const auto body = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic));
ASSERT_NE(body, InvalidBodyID);
ASSERT_EQ(GetType(world, body), BodyType::Dynamic);
ASSERT_TRUE(IsSpeedable(world, body));
ASSERT_TRUE(IsAccelerable(world, body));
ASSERT_FALSE(IsImpenetrable(world, body));
ASSERT_EQ(GetX(GetLinearAcceleration(world, body)), Real(0) * MeterPerSquareSecond);
ASSERT_EQ(GetY(GetLinearAcceleration(world, body)), Real(0) * MeterPerSquareSecond);
const auto v1 = Length2{-1_m, 0_m};
const auto v2 = Length2{+1_m, 0_m};
const auto shape = Shape{EdgeShapeConf{}.UseVertexRadius(1_m).UseDensity(1_kgpm2).Set(v1, v2)};
const auto fixture = CreateFixture(world, body, shape);
ASSERT_NE(fixture, InvalidFixtureID);
ASSERT_TRUE(IsAwake(world, body));
auto stepConf = StepConf{};
while (IsAwake(world, body))
ASSERT_FALSE(IsAwake(world, body));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsAwake(world, body));
TEST(World, GetTouchingCountFreeFunction)
World world;
EXPECT_EQ(GetTouchingCount(world), ContactCounter(0));
auto stepConf = StepConf{};
EXPECT_EQ(GetTouchingCount(world), ContactCounter(0));
stepConf.deltaTime = Real(1) / 100_Hz;
EXPECT_EQ(GetTouchingCount(world), ContactCounter(0));
const auto groundConf = EdgeShapeConf{}
.Set(Vec2(-40.0f, 0.0f) * Meter, Vec2(40.0f, 0.0f) * Meter);
const auto ground = world.CreateBody();
CreateFixture(world, ground, Shape(groundConf));
const auto lowerBodyConf = BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic).UseLocation(Vec2(0.0f, 0.5f) * Meter);
const auto diskConf = DiskShapeConf{}.UseDensity(10_kgpm2);
const auto smallerDiskConf = DiskShapeConf(diskConf).UseRadius(0.5_m);
const auto lowerBody = world.CreateBody(lowerBodyConf);
CreateFixture(world, lowerBody, Shape(smallerDiskConf));
ASSERT_EQ(GetAwakeCount(world), 1);
while (GetAwakeCount(world) > 0)
EXPECT_EQ(GetTouchingCount(world), ContactCounter(1));
TEST(World, ShiftOriginFreeFunction)
const auto origin = Length2{0_m, 0_m};
const auto location = Length2{1_m, 1_m};
ASSERT_NE(origin, location);
World world;
EXPECT_NO_THROW(ShiftOrigin(world, origin));
auto bodyConf = BodyConf{};
const auto body = CreateBody(world, bodyConf);
EXPECT_EQ(GetLocation(world, body), location);
EXPECT_NO_THROW(ShiftOrigin(world, location));
EXPECT_EQ(GetLocation(world, body), origin);
TEST(World, DynamicEdgeBodyHasCorrectMass)
World world;
auto bodyConf = BodyConf{};
bodyConf.type = BodyType::Dynamic;
const auto body = world.CreateBody(bodyConf);
ASSERT_EQ(GetType(world, body), BodyType::Dynamic);
const auto v1 = Length2{-1_m, 0_m};
const auto v2 = Length2{+1_m, 0_m};
const auto conf = EdgeShapeConf{}.UseVertexRadius(1_m).UseDensity(1_kgpm2).Set(v1, v2);
const auto shape = Shape{conf};
ASSERT_EQ(GetVertexRadius(shape, 0), 1_m);
const auto fixture = CreateFixture(world, body, shape);
ASSERT_NE(fixture, InvalidFixtureID);
ASSERT_EQ(GetDensity(world, fixture), 1_kgpm2);
const auto circleMass = Mass{GetDensity(world, fixture) * (Pi * Square(GetVertexRadius(shape, 0)))};
const auto rectMass = Mass{GetDensity(world, fixture) * (GetVertexRadius(shape, 0) * 2 * GetMagnitude(v2 - v1))};
const auto totalMass = Mass{circleMass + rectMass};
EXPECT_EQ(GetType(world, body), BodyType::Dynamic);
EXPECT_NEAR(static_cast<double>(Real{GetInvMass(world, body) * 1_kg}),
static_cast<double>(Real{1_kg / totalMass}),
TEST(World, CreateAndDestroyJoint)
World world;
const auto body1 = world.CreateBody();
const auto body2 = world.CreateBody();
EXPECT_NE(body1, InvalidBodyID);
EXPECT_NE(body2, InvalidBodyID);
EXPECT_EQ(GetBodyCount(world), BodyCounter(2));
EXPECT_EQ(GetJointCount(world), JointCounter(0));
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetJoints().begin(), world.GetJoints().end());
const auto anchorA = Length2{+0.4_m, -1.2_m};
const auto anchorB = Length2{-2.3_m, +0.7_m};
const auto joint = world.CreateJoint(Joint{GetDistanceJointConf(world, body1, body2,
anchorA, anchorB)});
EXPECT_EQ(GetJointCount(world), JointCounter(1));
EXPECT_NE(world.GetJoints().begin(), world.GetJoints().end());
const auto first = *world.GetJoints().begin();
EXPECT_EQ(joint, first);
EXPECT_EQ(GetType(world, joint), GetTypeID<DistanceJointConf>());
EXPECT_EQ(GetBodyA(world, joint), body1);
EXPECT_EQ(GetBodyB(world, joint), body2);
EXPECT_EQ(GetLocalAnchorA(world, joint), anchorA);
EXPECT_EQ(GetLocalAnchorB(world, joint), anchorB);
EXPECT_FALSE(GetCollideConnected(world, joint));
EXPECT_EQ(GetJointCount(world), JointCounter(0));
EXPECT_EQ(world.GetJoints().begin(), world.GetJoints().end());
World world;
for (auto i = decltype(MaxBodies){0}; i < MaxBodies; ++i)
const auto body = world.CreateBody();
ASSERT_NE(body, InvalidBodyID);
EXPECT_THROW(world.CreateBody(), LengthError);
World world;
const auto body1 = world.CreateBody();
ASSERT_NE(body1, InvalidBodyID);
const auto body2 = world.CreateBody();
ASSERT_NE(body2, InvalidBodyID);
for (auto i = decltype(MaxJoints){0}; i < MaxJoints; ++i)
const auto joint = world.CreateJoint(Joint{RopeJointConf{body1, body2}});
ASSERT_NE(joint, InvalidJointID);
EXPECT_THROW(world.CreateJoint(Joint{RopeJointConf{body1, body2}}), LengthError);
TEST(World, StepZeroTimeDoesNothing)
World world{};
BodyConf def;
def.location = Length2{31.9_m, -19.24_m};
def.type = BodyType::Dynamic;
const auto body = world.CreateBody(def);
ASSERT_NE(body, InvalidBodyID);
EXPECT_EQ(GetLocation(world, body), def.location);
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLinearVelocity(world, body)), 0_mps);
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLinearVelocity(world, body)), 0_mps);
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLinearAcceleration(world, body)), Real{0.0f} * MeterPerSquareSecond);
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLinearAcceleration(world, body)), GetY(EarthlyGravity));
const auto time_inc = 0_s;
auto pos = GetLocation(world, body);
auto vel = GetLinearVelocity(world, body);
for (auto i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
Step(world, time_inc);
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLinearAcceleration(world, body)), GetY(EarthlyGravity));
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLocation(world, body)), GetX(def.location));
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLocation(world, body)), GetY(pos));
pos = GetLocation(world, body);
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLinearVelocity(world, body)), 0_mps);
EXPECT_TRUE(AlmostEqual(Real{GetY(GetLinearVelocity(world, body)) / 1_mps}, Real{GetY(vel) / 1_mps}));
vel = GetLinearVelocity(world, body);
TEST(World, GravitationalBodyMovement)
const auto a = Real(-10);
auto p0 = Length2{0_m, 1_m};
auto body_def = BodyConf{};
body_def.type = BodyType::Dynamic;
body_def.location = p0;
body_def.linearAcceleration = LinearAcceleration2{0, a * MeterPerSquareSecond};
const auto t = .01_s;
auto world = World{};
const auto body = world.CreateBody(body_def);
ASSERT_NE(body, InvalidBodyID);
EXPECT_FALSE(IsImpenetrable(world, body));
EXPECT_EQ(GetType(world, body), BodyType::Dynamic);
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLinearVelocity(world, body)), 0_mps);
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLinearVelocity(world, body)), 0_mps);
EXPECT_EQ(GetLocation(world, body), p0);
Step(world, t);
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLinearVelocity(world, body)), 0_mps);
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLinearVelocity(world, body)), a * (t * Real{1}) * MeterPerSquareSecond);
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLocation(world, body)), GetX(p0));
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLocation(world, body)), GetY(p0) + GetY(GetLinearVelocity(world, body)) * t);
p0 = GetLocation(world, body);
Step(world, t);
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLinearVelocity(world, body)), 0_mps);
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLinearVelocity(world, body)), a * (t * Real{2}) * MeterPerSquareSecond);
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLocation(world, body)), GetX(p0));
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLocation(world, body)), GetY(p0) + GetY(GetLinearVelocity(world, body)) * t);
p0 = GetLocation(world, body);
Step(world, t);
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLinearVelocity(world, body)), 0_mps);
EXPECT_NEAR(double(Real{GetY(GetLinearVelocity(world, body)) / 1_mps}),
double(Real{a * (t * Real{3}) / 1_s}), 0.00001);
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLocation(world, body)), GetX(p0));
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLocation(world, body)), GetY(p0) + GetY(GetLinearVelocity(world, body)) * t);
auto world = World{};
auto massData = MassData{};
EXPECT_THROW(massData = ComputeMassData(world, InvalidBodyID), std::out_of_range);
const auto body = world.CreateBody();
EXPECT_NO_THROW(massData = ComputeMassData(world, body));
EXPECT_EQ(, Length2{});
EXPECT_EQ(massData.mass, 0_kg);
EXPECT_EQ(massData.I, RotInertia(0));
// Creates a 4x2 rectangular shape with 8_m2 area of 8_kg
CreateFixture(world, body, Shape{PolygonShapeConf{2_m, 1_m}.UseDensity(1_kgpm2)});
EXPECT_NO_THROW(massData = ComputeMassData(world, body));
EXPECT_EQ(, Length2{});
EXPECT_EQ(massData.mass, 8_kg);
EXPECT_NEAR(static_cast<double>(StripUnit(massData.I)), 13.3333, 0.0001);
TEST(World, BodyAngleDoesntGrowUnbounded)
auto world = World{};
const auto body = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}
.UseAngularVelocity(10_rad / Second));
ASSERT_EQ(GetAngle(world, body), 0_rad);
auto stepConf = StepConf{};
auto lastAngle = 0_rad;
auto maxAngle = 0_rad;
for (auto i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i)
const auto angle = GetAngle(world, body);
EXPECT_NE(angle, lastAngle);
ASSERT_LE(angle, 360_deg);
maxAngle = std::max(maxAngle, angle);
lastAngle = angle;
TEST(World, BodyAccelPerSpecWithNoVelOrPosIterations)
auto world = World{};
BodyConf def;
def.location = Length2{31.9_m, -19.24_m};
def.type = BodyType::Dynamic;
const auto body = world.CreateBody(def);
ASSERT_NE(body, InvalidBodyID);
EXPECT_EQ(GetLocation(world, body), def.location);
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLinearVelocity(world, body)), 0_mps);
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLinearVelocity(world, body)), 0_mps);
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLinearAcceleration(world, body)), Real{0.0f} * MeterPerSquareSecond);
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLinearAcceleration(world, body)), GetY(EarthlyGravity));
const auto time_inc = 0.01_s;
auto pos = GetLocation(world, body);
auto vel = GetLinearVelocity(world, body);
for (auto i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
Step(world, time_inc, 0, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLinearAcceleration(world, body)), GetY(EarthlyGravity));
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLocation(world, body)), GetX(def.location));
EXPECT_LT(GetY(GetLocation(world, body)), GetY(pos));
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLocation(world, body)), GetY(pos) + ((GetY(vel) + GetY(EarthlyGravity) * time_inc) * time_inc));
pos = GetLocation(world, body);
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLinearVelocity(world, body)), 0_mps);
EXPECT_LT(GetY(GetLinearVelocity(world, body)), GetY(vel));
EXPECT_TRUE(AlmostEqual(Real{GetY(GetLinearVelocity(world, body)) / 1_mps},
Real{(GetY(vel) + GetY(EarthlyGravity) * time_inc) / 1_mps}));
vel = GetLinearVelocity(world, body);
TEST(World, BodyAccelRevPerSpecWithNegativeTimeAndNoVelOrPosIterations)
World world{};
BodyConf def;
def.location = Length2{31.9_m, -19.24_m};
def.linearVelocity = LinearVelocity2{0, -9.8_mps};
def.type = BodyType::Dynamic;
const auto body = world.CreateBody(def);
ASSERT_NE(body, InvalidBodyID);
EXPECT_EQ(GetLocation(world, body), def.location);
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLinearVelocity(world, body)), 0_mps);
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLinearVelocity(world, body)), -9.8_mps);
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLinearAcceleration(world, body)), Real{0.0f} * MeterPerSquareSecond);
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLinearAcceleration(world, body)), GetY(EarthlyGravity));
const auto time_inc = -0.01_s;
auto stepConf = StepConf{};
stepConf.deltaTime = time_inc;
stepConf.dtRatio = -1;
stepConf.regPositionIterations = 0;
stepConf.regVelocityIterations = 0;
stepConf.toiPositionIterations = 0;
stepConf.toiVelocityIterations = 0;
auto pos = GetLocation(world, body);
auto vel = GetLinearVelocity(world, body);
for (auto i = 0; i < 99; ++i)
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLinearAcceleration(world, body)), GetY(EarthlyGravity));
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLocation(world, body)), GetX(def.location));
EXPECT_GT(GetY(GetLocation(world, body)), GetY(pos));
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLocation(world, body)), GetY(pos) + ((GetY(vel) + GetY(EarthlyGravity) * time_inc) * time_inc));
pos = GetLocation(world, body);
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLinearVelocity(world, body)), 0_mps);
EXPECT_GT(GetY(GetLinearVelocity(world, body)), GetY(vel));
EXPECT_TRUE(AlmostEqual(Real{GetY(GetLinearVelocity(world, body)) / 1_mps},
Real{(GetY(vel) + GetY(EarthlyGravity) * time_inc) / 1_mps}));
vel = GetLinearVelocity(world, body);
struct MyContactListener
using PreSolver = std::function<void(ContactID, const Manifold&)>;
using PostSolver = std::function<void(ContactID, const ContactImpulsesList&, unsigned)>;
using Ender = std::function<void(ContactID)>;
MyContactListener(World& w, PreSolver&& pre, PostSolver&& post, Ender&& end):
world(w), presolver(pre), postsolver(post), ender(end) {}
void BeginContact(ContactID contact)
contacting = true;
touching = IsTouching(world, contact);
const auto fA = GetFixtureA(world, contact);
const auto fB = GetFixtureB(world, contact);
const auto bA = GetBody(world, fA);
const auto bB = GetBody(world, fB);
body_a[0] = GetLocation(world, bA);
body_b[0] = GetLocation(world, bB);
EXPECT_THROW(world.CreateBody(), WrongState);
EXPECT_THROW(world.SetJoint(InvalidJointID, Joint{}), WrongState);
const auto typeA = GetType(world, bA);
if (typeA != BodyType::Kinematic)
EXPECT_NO_THROW(SetType(world, bA, typeA));
EXPECT_THROW(SetType(world, bA, BodyType::Kinematic), WrongState);
EXPECT_THROW(world.Destroy(bA), WrongState);
EXPECT_THROW(world.CreateJoint(Joint{DistanceJointConf{bA, bB}}), WrongState);
EXPECT_THROW(world.Step(stepConf), WrongState);
EXPECT_THROW(world.ShiftOrigin(Length2{}), WrongState);
EXPECT_THROW(CreateFixture(world, bA, Shape{DiskShapeConf{}}), WrongState);
EXPECT_THROW(world.Destroy(fA), WrongState);
void EndContact(ContactID contact)
contacting = false;
touching = IsTouching(world, contact);
body_a[1] = GetLocation(world, GetBody(world, GetFixtureA(world, contact)));
body_b[1] = GetLocation(world, GetBody(world, GetFixtureB(world, contact)));
if (ender)
void PreSolve(ContactID id, const Manifold& oldManifold)
presolver(id, oldManifold);
void PostSolve(ContactID id, const ContactImpulsesList& impulses, unsigned solved)
postsolver(id, impulses, solved);
World& world;
unsigned begin_contacts = 0;
unsigned end_contacts = 0;
unsigned pre_solves = 0;
unsigned post_solves = 0;
bool contacting = false;
bool touching = false;
Length2 body_a[2] = {Length2{}, Length2{}};
Length2 body_b[2] = {Length2{}, Length2{}};
PreSolver presolver;
PostSolver postsolver;
Ender ender;
const StepConf stepConf{};
TEST(World, NoCorrectionsWithNoVelOrPosIterations)
const auto x = Real(10); // other test parameters tuned to this value being 10
auto presolved = unsigned{0};
auto postsolved = unsigned{0};
World world{};
MyContactListener listener{
[&](ContactID, const Manifold&) { ++presolved; },
[&](ContactID, const ContactImpulsesList&, unsigned) { ++postsolved; },
[&](ContactID) {},
world.SetBeginContactListener([&listener](ContactID id) {
world.SetEndContactListener([&listener](ContactID id) {
world.SetPreSolveContactListener([&listener](ContactID id, const Manifold& manifold) {
listener.PreSolve(id, manifold);
world.SetPostSolveContactListener([&listener](ContactID id,
const ContactImpulsesList& impulses,
unsigned count){
listener.PostSolve(id, impulses, count);
ASSERT_EQ(listener.begin_contacts, unsigned(0));
ASSERT_EQ(listener.end_contacts, unsigned(0));
auto body_def = BodyConf{};
body_def.type = BodyType::Dynamic;
body_def.bullet = true;
const auto shape = Shape{DiskShapeConf{}.UseRadius(1_m).UseRestitution(Real(1)).UseDensity(1_kgpm2)};
body_def.location = Length2{-x * Meter, 0_m};
body_def.linearVelocity = LinearVelocity2{+x * 1_mps, 0_mps};
const auto body_a = world.CreateBody(body_def);
ASSERT_NE(body_a, InvalidBodyID);
EXPECT_EQ(GetType(world, body_a), BodyType::Dynamic);
EXPECT_TRUE(IsSpeedable(world, body_a));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsAccelerable(world, body_a));
const auto fixture1 = CreateFixture(world, body_a, shape);
ASSERT_NE(fixture1, InvalidFixtureID);
body_def.location = Length2{+x * Meter, 0_m};
body_def.linearVelocity = LinearVelocity2{-x * 1_mps, 0_mps};
const auto body_b = world.CreateBody(body_def);
ASSERT_NE(body_b, InvalidBodyID);
const auto fixture2 = CreateFixture(world, body_b, shape);
ASSERT_NE(fixture2, InvalidFixtureID);
EXPECT_EQ(GetType(world, body_b), BodyType::Dynamic);
EXPECT_TRUE(IsSpeedable(world, body_b));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsAccelerable(world, body_b));
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLinearVelocity(world, body_a)), +x * 1_mps);
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLinearVelocity(world, body_a)), 0_mps);
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLinearVelocity(world, body_b)), -x * 1_mps);
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLinearVelocity(world, body_b)), 0_mps);
const auto time_inc = .01_s;
auto pos_a = GetLocation(world, body_a);
auto pos_b = GetLocation(world, body_b);
ASSERT_LT(GetX(pos_a), GetX(pos_b));
auto conf = StepConf{};
conf.deltaTime = time_inc;
conf.regPositionIterations = 0;
conf.regVelocityIterations = 0;
conf.toiPositionIterations = 0;
conf.toiVelocityIterations = 0;
conf.tolerance = nextafter(StripUnit(conf.targetDepth), Real{0}) * Meter;
auto steps = unsigned{0};
while (GetX(pos_a) < (x * Meter) && GetX(pos_b) > (-x * Meter))
EXPECT_TRUE(AlmostEqual(Real{GetX(GetLocation(world, body_a)) / Meter},
Real{(GetX(pos_a) + x * time_inc * 1_mps) / Meter}));
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLocation(world, body_a)), 0_m);
EXPECT_TRUE(AlmostEqual(Real{GetX(GetLocation(world, body_b)) / Meter},
Real{(GetX(pos_b) - x * time_inc * 1_mps) / Meter}));
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLocation(world, body_b)), 0_m);
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLinearVelocity(world, body_a)), +x * 1_mps);
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLinearVelocity(world, body_a)), 0_mps);
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLinearVelocity(world, body_b)), -x * 1_mps);
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLinearVelocity(world, body_b)), 0_mps);
pos_a = GetLocation(world, body_a);
pos_b = GetLocation(world, body_b);
// d = v * t
// d = 20, v = 10:
// 20 = 10 * t, t = d/v = 20 / 10 = 2
// steps = t / time_inc = 200
EXPECT_GE(steps, 199u);
EXPECT_LE(steps, 201u);
//EXPECT_EQ(int64_t(steps), static_cast<int64_t>(round(((x * 2) / x) / time_inc)));
TEST(World, HeavyOnLight)
constexpr auto AngularSlop = (Pi * Real{2} * 1_rad) / Real{180};
constexpr auto LargerLinearSlop = playrho::Meter / playrho::Real(200);
constexpr auto SmallerLinearSlop = playrho::Meter / playrho::Real(1000);
const auto bd = BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic).UseLinearAcceleration(EarthlyGravity);
const auto upperBodyConf = BodyConf(bd).UseLocation(Vec2(0.0f, 6.0f) * Meter);
const auto lowerBodyConf = BodyConf(bd).UseLocation(Vec2(0.0f, 0.5f) * Meter);
const auto groundConf = EdgeShapeConf{}
.Set(Vec2(-40.0f, 0.0f) * Meter, Vec2(40.0f, 0.0f) * Meter);
const auto diskConf = DiskShapeConf{}.UseDensity(10_kgpm2);
const auto smallerDiskConf = DiskShapeConf(diskConf).UseRadius(0.5_m);
const auto biggerDiskConf = DiskShapeConf(diskConf).UseRadius(5.0_m);
const auto baseStepConf = []() {
auto step = StepConf{};
step.deltaTime = Real(1) / 60_Hz;
return step;
const auto largerStepConf = [=](StepConf step) {
step.linearSlop = LargerLinearSlop;
step.regMinSeparation = -LargerLinearSlop * Real(3);
step.toiMinSeparation = -LargerLinearSlop * Real(1.5f);
step.targetDepth = LargerLinearSlop * Real(3);
step.tolerance = LargerLinearSlop / Real(4);
step.maxLinearCorrection = LargerLinearSlop * Real(40);
step.maxAngularCorrection = AngularSlop * Real{4};
step.aabbExtension = LargerLinearSlop * Real(20);
step.maxTranslation = Length{Meter * Real(4)};
step.velocityThreshold = (Real{8} / Real{10}) * 1_mps;
step.maxSubSteps = std::uint8_t{48};
return step;
const auto smallerStepConf = [=](StepConf step) {
step.linearSlop = SmallerLinearSlop;
step.regMinSeparation = -SmallerLinearSlop * Real(3);
step.toiMinSeparation = -SmallerLinearSlop * Real(1.5f);
step.targetDepth = SmallerLinearSlop * Real(3);
step.tolerance = SmallerLinearSlop / Real(4);
step.maxLinearCorrection = SmallerLinearSlop * Real(40);
step.maxAngularCorrection = AngularSlop * Real{4};
step.aabbExtension = SmallerLinearSlop * Real(20);
step.maxTranslation = Length{Meter * Real(4)};
step.velocityThreshold = (Real{8} / Real{10}) * 1_mps;
step.maxSubSteps = std::uint8_t{48};
return step;
// Create lower body, then upper body using the larger step conf
auto world = World{WorldConf{}.UseMinVertexRadius(SmallerLinearSlop)};
const auto ground = world.CreateBody();
CreateFixture(world, ground, Shape(groundConf));
const auto lowerBody = world.CreateBody(lowerBodyConf);
const auto upperBody = world.CreateBody(upperBodyConf);
ASSERT_LT(GetY(GetLocation(world, lowerBody)), GetY(GetLocation(world, upperBody)));
CreateFixture(world, lowerBody, Shape(smallerDiskConf));
CreateFixture(world, upperBody, Shape(biggerDiskConf));
ASSERT_LT(GetMass(world, lowerBody), GetMass(world, upperBody));
auto upperBodysLowestPoint = GetY(GetLocation(world, upperBody));
auto numSteps = 0ul;
while (GetAwakeCount(world) > 0)
upperBodysLowestPoint = std::min(upperBodysLowestPoint, GetY(GetLocation(world, upperBody)));
// The least num steps is 145
switch (sizeof(Real))
case 4: EXPECT_EQ(numSteps, 175ul /* 145ul */); break; // TODO: figure out why changed
case 8: EXPECT_EQ(numSteps, 176ul); break;
case 16: EXPECT_EQ(numSteps, 175ul); break;
EXPECT_NEAR(static_cast<double>(Real(upperBodysLowestPoint / Meter)), 5.9475154876708984, 0.001);
// Create upper body, then lower body using the larger step conf
auto world = World{WorldConf{}.UseMinVertexRadius(SmallerLinearSlop)};
const auto ground = world.CreateBody();
CreateFixture(world, ground, Shape(groundConf));
const auto upperBody = world.CreateBody(upperBodyConf);
const auto lowerBody = world.CreateBody(lowerBodyConf);
ASSERT_LT(GetY(GetLocation(world, lowerBody)), GetY(GetLocation(world, upperBody)));
CreateFixture(world, lowerBody, Shape(smallerDiskConf));
CreateFixture(world, upperBody, Shape(biggerDiskConf));
ASSERT_LT(GetMass(world, lowerBody), GetMass(world, upperBody));
auto upperBodysLowestPoint = GetY(GetLocation(world, upperBody));
auto numSteps = 0ul;
while (GetAwakeCount(world) > 0)
upperBodysLowestPoint = std::min(upperBodysLowestPoint, GetY(GetLocation(world, upperBody)));
// Here we see that creating the upper body after the lower body, results in
// a different step count, and a higher count at that.
EXPECT_EQ(numSteps, 152ul);
EXPECT_NEAR(static_cast<double>(Real(upperBodysLowestPoint / Meter)), 5.9470911026000977, 0.001);
// Create lower body, then upper body using the smaller step conf
auto world = World{WorldConf{}.UseMinVertexRadius(SmallerLinearSlop)};
const auto ground = world.CreateBody();
CreateFixture(world, ground, Shape(groundConf));
const auto lowerBody = world.CreateBody(lowerBodyConf);
const auto upperBody = world.CreateBody(upperBodyConf);
ASSERT_LT(GetY(GetLocation(world, lowerBody)), GetY(GetLocation(world, upperBody)));
CreateFixture(world, lowerBody, Shape(smallerDiskConf));
CreateFixture(world, upperBody, Shape(biggerDiskConf));
ASSERT_LT(GetMass(world, lowerBody), GetMass(world, upperBody));
auto upperBodysLowestPoint = GetY(GetLocation(world, upperBody));
auto numSteps = 0ul;
while (GetAwakeCount(world) > 0)
upperBodysLowestPoint = std::min(upperBodysLowestPoint, GetY(GetLocation(world, upperBody)));
// This here is the highest step count.
// XXX Is this a bug or did the algorithm just work least well here?
switch (sizeof(Real))
case 4: EXPECT_EQ(numSteps, 766ul /* 736ul */); break; // TODO: figure out why changed
case 8: EXPECT_EQ(numSteps, 767ul /* 736ul */); break; // TODO: figure out why changed
case 16: EXPECT_EQ(numSteps, 766ul); break;
// Here we see that the upper body at some point sunk into most of the lower body.
EXPECT_NEAR(static_cast<double>(Real(upperBodysLowestPoint / Meter)), 5.9473052024841309, 0.001);
// Create upper body, then lower body using the smaller step conf
auto world = World{WorldConf{}.UseMinVertexRadius(SmallerLinearSlop)};
const auto ground = world.CreateBody();
CreateFixture(world, ground, Shape(groundConf));
const auto upperBody = world.CreateBody(upperBodyConf);
const auto lowerBody = world.CreateBody(lowerBodyConf);
ASSERT_LT(GetY(GetLocation(world, lowerBody)), GetY(GetLocation(world, upperBody)));
CreateFixture(world, lowerBody, Shape(smallerDiskConf));
CreateFixture(world, upperBody, Shape(biggerDiskConf));
ASSERT_LT(GetMass(world, lowerBody), GetMass(world, upperBody));
auto upperBodysLowestPoint = GetY(GetLocation(world, upperBody));
auto numSteps = 0ul;
EXPECT_EQ(GetAwakeCount(world), 2);
while (GetAwakeCount(world) > 0)
EXPECT_EQ(GetTouchingCount(world), ContactCounter(2));
upperBodysLowestPoint = std::min(upperBodysLowestPoint, GetY(GetLocation(world, upperBody)));
// Given that this section of code is one of the two sections that
// uses the smaller linear slop, I expect this block of code's step
// count to be higher than either block using the larger linear slop.
// I guess a step count of some 3.5 times higher is reasonable for
// the step conf that's five times smaller.
switch (sizeof(Real))
case 4: EXPECT_EQ(numSteps, 724ul); break;
case 8: EXPECT_EQ(numSteps, 724ul); break;
case 16: EXPECT_EQ(numSteps, 724ul); break;
EXPECT_NEAR(static_cast<double>(Real(upperBodysLowestPoint / Meter)), 5.9476470947265625, 0.001);
// Create upper body, then lower body using the smaller step conf, and using sensors
auto world = World{WorldConf{}.UseMinVertexRadius(SmallerLinearSlop)};
const auto ground = world.CreateBody();
CreateFixture(world, ground, Shape(groundConf));
const auto upperBody = world.CreateBody(upperBodyConf);
const auto lowerBody = world.CreateBody(lowerBodyConf);
ASSERT_LT(GetY(GetLocation(world, lowerBody)), GetY(GetLocation(world, upperBody)));
CreateFixture(world, lowerBody, Shape(smallerDiskConf), FixtureConf{}.UseIsSensor(true));
CreateFixture(world, upperBody, Shape(biggerDiskConf), FixtureConf{}.UseIsSensor(true));
ASSERT_LT(GetMass(world, lowerBody), GetMass(world, upperBody));
EXPECT_EQ(GetAwakeCount(world), BodyCounter(2));
EXPECT_EQ(GetTouchingCount(world), ContactCounter(2));
TEST(World, PerfectlyOverlappedSameCirclesStayPut)
const auto radius = 1_m;
const auto shape = Shape{DiskShapeConf{}.UseRadius(radius).UseDensity(1_kgpm2).UseRestitution(Real(1))};
auto world = World{};
auto body_def = BodyConf{};
body_def.type = BodyType::Dynamic;
body_def.bullet = false;
body_def.location = Length2{0_m, 0_m};
const auto body1 = world.CreateBody(body_def);
const auto fixture = CreateFixture(world, body1, shape);
ASSERT_NE(fixture, InvalidFixtureID);
ASSERT_EQ(GetLocation(world, body1), body_def.location);
const auto body2 = world.CreateBody(body_def);
const auto fixture = CreateFixture(world, body2, shape);
ASSERT_NE(fixture, InvalidFixtureID);
ASSERT_EQ(GetLocation(world, body2), body_def.location);
const auto time_inc = Real(.01);
for (auto i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
Step(world, 1_s * time_inc);
EXPECT_EQ(GetLocation(world, body1), body_def.location);
EXPECT_EQ(GetLocation(world, body2), body_def.location);
TEST(World, PerfectlyOverlappedConcentricCirclesStayPut)
const auto radius1 = 1_m;
const auto radius2 = 0.6_m;
const auto shape1 = Shape(DiskShapeConf{}.UseDensity(1_kgpm2).UseRestitution(Real(1)).UseRadius(radius1));
const auto shape2 = Shape(DiskShapeConf{}.UseDensity(1_kgpm2).UseRestitution(Real(1)).UseRadius(radius2));
World world{};
auto body_def = BodyConf{};
body_def.type = BodyType::Dynamic;
body_def.bullet = false;
body_def.location = Length2{};
const auto body1 = world.CreateBody(body_def);
const auto fixture = CreateFixture(world, body1, shape1);
ASSERT_NE(fixture, InvalidFixtureID);
ASSERT_EQ(GetLocation(world, body1), body_def.location);
const auto body2 = world.CreateBody(body_def);
const auto fixture = CreateFixture(world, body2, shape2);
ASSERT_NE(fixture, InvalidFixtureID);
ASSERT_EQ(GetLocation(world, body2), body_def.location);
const auto time_inc = Real(.01);
for (auto i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
Step(world, 1_s * time_inc);
EXPECT_EQ(GetLocation(world, body1), body_def.location);
EXPECT_EQ(GetLocation(world, body2), body_def.location);
TEST(World, ListenerCalledForCircleBodyWithinCircleBody)
World world{};
MyContactListener listener{
[&](ContactID, const Manifold&) {},
[&](ContactID, const ContactImpulsesList&, unsigned) {},
[&](ContactID) {},
world.SetBeginContactListener([&listener](ContactID id) {
world.SetEndContactListener([&listener](ContactID id) {
world.SetPreSolveContactListener([&listener](ContactID id, const Manifold& manifold) {
listener.PreSolve(id, manifold);
world.SetPostSolveContactListener([&listener](ContactID id,
const ContactImpulsesList& impulses,
unsigned count){
listener.PostSolve(id, impulses, count);
auto body_def = BodyConf{};
body_def.type = BodyType::Dynamic;
body_def.location = Length2{};
const auto shape = Shape(DiskShapeConf{}.UseDensity(1_kgpm2).UseRestitution(Real(1)).UseRadius(1_m));
for (auto i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
const auto body = world.CreateBody(body_def);
ASSERT_NE(body, InvalidBodyID);
ASSERT_NE(CreateFixture(world, body, shape), InvalidFixtureID);
ASSERT_EQ(listener.begin_contacts, 0u);
ASSERT_EQ(listener.end_contacts, 0u);
ASSERT_EQ(listener.pre_solves, 0u);
ASSERT_EQ(listener.post_solves, 0u);
Step(world, 1_s);
EXPECT_NE(listener.begin_contacts, 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(listener.end_contacts, 0u);
EXPECT_NE(listener.pre_solves, 0u);
EXPECT_NE(listener.post_solves, 0u);
TEST(World, ListenerCalledForSquareBodyWithinSquareBody)
World world{};
MyContactListener listener{
[&](ContactID, const Manifold&) {},
[&](ContactID, const ContactImpulsesList&, unsigned) {},
[&](ContactID) {},
world.SetBeginContactListener([&listener](ContactID id) {
world.SetEndContactListener([&listener](ContactID id) {
world.SetPreSolveContactListener([&listener](ContactID id, const Manifold& manifold) {
listener.PreSolve(id, manifold);
world.SetPostSolveContactListener([&listener](ContactID id,
const ContactImpulsesList& impulses,
unsigned count){
listener.PostSolve(id, impulses, count);
auto body_def = BodyConf{};
body_def.type = BodyType::Dynamic;
body_def.location = Length2{};
auto conf = PolygonShapeConf{};
conf.SetAsBox(2_m, 2_m);
const auto shape = Shape{conf};
for (auto i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
const auto body = world.CreateBody(body_def);
ASSERT_NE(body, InvalidBodyID);
ASSERT_NE(CreateFixture(world, body, shape), InvalidFixtureID);
ASSERT_EQ(listener.begin_contacts, 0u);
ASSERT_EQ(listener.end_contacts, 0u);
ASSERT_EQ(listener.pre_solves, 0u);
ASSERT_EQ(listener.post_solves, 0u);
Step(world, 1_s);
EXPECT_NE(listener.begin_contacts, 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(listener.end_contacts, 0u);
EXPECT_NE(listener.pre_solves, 0u);
EXPECT_NE(listener.post_solves, 0u);
TEST(World, PartiallyOverlappedSameCirclesSeparate)
const auto radius = Real(1);
World world{};
auto body_def = BodyConf{};
body_def.type = BodyType::Dynamic;
body_def.bullet = false; // separation is faster if true.
const auto shape = Shape(DiskShapeConf{}.UseDensity(1_kgpm2).UseRestitution(Real(1)).UseRadius(radius * Meter));
const auto body1pos = Length2{(-radius/4) * Meter, 0_m};
body_def.location = body1pos;
const auto body1 = world.CreateBody(body_def);
const auto fixture = CreateFixture(world, body1, shape);
ASSERT_NE(fixture, InvalidFixtureID);
ASSERT_EQ(GetLocation(world, body1), body_def.location);
const auto body2pos = Length2{(+radius/4) * Meter, 0_m};
body_def.location = body2pos;
const auto body2 = world.CreateBody(body_def);
const auto fixture = CreateFixture(world, body2, shape);
ASSERT_NE(fixture, InvalidFixtureID);
ASSERT_EQ(GetLocation(world, body2), body_def.location);
auto position_diff = body2pos - body1pos;
auto distance = GetMagnitude(position_diff);
const auto angle = GetAngle(position_diff);
ASSERT_EQ(angle, 0_deg);
auto lastpos1 = GetLocation(world, body1);
auto lastpos2 = GetLocation(world, body2);
const auto time_inc = .01_s;
StepConf step;
step.deltaTime = time_inc;
// Solver won't separate more than -step.linearSlop.
const auto full_separation = radius * 2_m - Length{step.linearSlop};
for (auto i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
const auto new_pos_diff = GetLocation(world, body2) - GetLocation(world, body1);
const auto new_distance = GetMagnitude(new_pos_diff);
if (AlmostEqual(Real{new_distance / Meter}, Real{full_separation / Meter}) || new_distance > full_separation)
ASSERT_GE(new_distance, distance);
if (new_distance == distance)
// position resolution has come to tolerance
ASSERT_GE(new_distance, radius * 2_m - Length{step.linearSlop} * Real{4});
else // new_distance > distance
if (cos(angle) != 0)
EXPECT_LT(GetX(GetLocation(world, body1)), GetX(lastpos1));
EXPECT_GT(GetX(GetLocation(world, body2)), GetX(lastpos2));
if (sin(angle) != 0)
EXPECT_LT(GetY(GetLocation(world, body1)), GetY(lastpos1));
EXPECT_GT(GetY(GetLocation(world, body2)), GetY(lastpos2));
ASSERT_NE(GetLocation(world, body1), lastpos1);
ASSERT_NE(GetLocation(world, body2), lastpos2);
lastpos1 = GetLocation(world, body1);
lastpos2 = GetLocation(world, body2);
ASSERT_NE(new_pos_diff, position_diff);
position_diff = new_pos_diff;
ASSERT_NE(new_distance, distance);
distance = new_distance;
// angle of the delta of their positions should stay the same as they move away
const auto new_angle = GetAngle(new_pos_diff);
EXPECT_EQ(angle, new_angle);
TEST(World, PerfectlyOverlappedSameSquaresSeparateHorizontally)
const auto shape = Shape(PolygonShapeConf{}.UseDensity(1_kgpm2).UseRestitution(Real(1)).SetAsBox(1_m, 1_m));
World world{};
auto body_def = BodyConf{};
body_def.type = BodyType::Dynamic;
body_def.bullet = false;
body_def.location = Length2{};
const auto body1 = world.CreateBody(body_def);
const auto fixture = CreateFixture(world, body1, shape);
ASSERT_NE(fixture, InvalidFixtureID);
ASSERT_EQ(GetLocation(world, body1), body_def.location);
const auto body2 = world.CreateBody(body_def);
const auto fixture = CreateFixture(world, body2, shape);
ASSERT_NE(fixture, InvalidFixtureID);
ASSERT_EQ(GetLocation(world, body2), body_def.location);
auto lastpos1 = GetLocation(world, body1);
auto lastpos2 = GetLocation(world, body2);
auto stepConf = StepConf{};
const auto time_inc = .01_s;
stepConf.deltaTime = time_inc;
stepConf.maxLinearCorrection = Real{0.0001f * 40} * Meter;
for (auto i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
// body1 moves left only
EXPECT_LT(GetX(GetLocation(world, body1)), GetX(lastpos1));
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLocation(world, body1)), GetY(lastpos1));
// body2 moves right only
EXPECT_GT(GetX(GetLocation(world, body2)), GetX(lastpos2));
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLocation(world, body2)), GetY(lastpos2));
// body1 and body2 move away from each other equally.
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLocation(world, body1)), -GetX(GetLocation(world, body2)));
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLocation(world, body1)), -GetY(GetLocation(world, body2)));
lastpos1 = GetLocation(world, body1);
lastpos2 = GetLocation(world, body2);
TEST(World, PartiallyOverlappedSquaresSeparateProperly)
* Sets up 2 equally sized squares - body A and body B - where body A is to the right of body B
* but they partially overlap. Position solver code should move body A to the right more and
* move body B to the left more till they're almost separated.
* This tests at a high level what the position solver code does with overlapping shapes.
World world{};
auto body_def = BodyConf{};
body_def.type = BodyType::Dynamic;
body_def.bullet = false; // separation is faster if true.
const auto half_dim = Real(64); // 1 causes additional y-axis separation
const auto shape = Shape(PolygonShapeConf{}.UseDensity(1_kgpm2).UseRestitution(Real(1)).SetAsBox(half_dim * Meter, half_dim * Meter));
const auto body1pos = Length2{Real(half_dim/2) * Meter, 0_m}; // 0 causes additional y-axis separation
body_def.location = body1pos;
const auto body1 = world.CreateBody(body_def);
const auto fixture = CreateFixture(world, body1, shape);
ASSERT_NE(fixture, InvalidFixtureID);
ASSERT_EQ(GetLocation(world, body1), body1pos);
const auto body2pos = Length2{-Real(half_dim/2) * Meter, 0_m}; // 0 causes additional y-axis separation
body_def.location = body2pos;
const auto body2 = world.CreateBody(body_def);
const auto fixture = CreateFixture(world, body2, shape);
ASSERT_NE(fixture, InvalidFixtureID);
ASSERT_EQ(GetLocation(world, body2), body2pos);
ASSERT_EQ(GetAngle(world, body1), 0_deg);
ASSERT_EQ(GetAngle(world, body2), 0_deg);
auto last_angle_1 = GetAngle(world, body1);
auto last_angle_2 = GetAngle(world, body2);
ASSERT_EQ(world.GetBodies().size(), World::Bodies::size_type(2));
ASSERT_EQ(world.GetContacts().size(), World::Contacts::size_type(0));
auto position_diff = body1pos - body2pos;
auto distance = GetMagnitude(position_diff);
auto angle = GetAngle(position_diff);
EXPECT_TRUE(AlmostEqual(Real{angle / 1_rad}, Real{0}));
auto lastpos1 = GetLocation(world, body1);
auto lastpos2 = GetLocation(world, body2);
const auto velocity_iters = 10u;
const auto position_iters = 10u;
const auto time_inc = Real(.01);
StepConf step;
step.deltaTime = 1_s * time_inc;
// Solver won't separate more than -step.linearSlop.
const auto full_separation = half_dim * 2_m - Length{step.linearSlop};
for (auto i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
Step(world, 1_s * time_inc, velocity_iters, position_iters);
ASSERT_EQ(world.GetContacts().size(), decltype(world.GetContacts().size())(1));
auto count = decltype(world.GetContacts().size())(0);
const auto& contacts = world.GetContacts();
for (auto&& contact: contacts)
const auto c = contact.second;
const auto fa = GetFixtureA(world, c);
const auto fb = GetFixtureB(world, c);
const auto body_a = GetBody(world, fa);
const auto body_b = GetBody(world, fb);
EXPECT_EQ(body_a, body1);
EXPECT_EQ(body_b, body2);
const auto& manifold = GetManifold(world, c);
EXPECT_EQ(manifold.GetType(), Manifold::e_faceA);
EXPECT_EQ(manifold.GetPointCount(), Manifold::size_type(2));
ASSERT_EQ(count, decltype(world.GetContacts().size())(1));
const auto v1 = GetVelocity(world, body1);
EXPECT_EQ(v1.angular, 0_deg / 1_s);
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(v1.linear), 0_mps);
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(v1.linear), 0_mps);
const auto v2 = GetVelocity(world, body2);
EXPECT_EQ(v2.angular, 0_deg / 1_s);
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(v2.linear), 0_mps);
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(v2.linear), 0_mps);
EXPECT_TRUE(AlmostEqual(Real{GetAngle(world, body1) / 1_rad}, Real{last_angle_1 / 1_rad}));
EXPECT_TRUE(AlmostEqual(Real{GetAngle(world, body2) / 1_rad}, Real{last_angle_2 / 1_rad}));
last_angle_1 = GetAngle(world, body1);
last_angle_2 = GetAngle(world, body2);
const auto new_pos_diff = GetLocation(world, body1) - GetLocation(world, body2);
const auto new_distance = GetMagnitude(new_pos_diff);
if (AlmostEqual(Real{new_distance / Meter}, Real{full_separation / Meter}) || new_distance > full_separation)
if (new_distance == distance)
if (cos(angle) != 0)
EXPECT_NE(GetX(GetLocation(world, body1)), GetX(lastpos1));
EXPECT_NE(GetX(GetLocation(world, body2)), GetX(lastpos2));
if (sin(angle) != 0)
EXPECT_NE(GetY(GetLocation(world, body1)), GetY(lastpos1));
EXPECT_NE(GetY(GetLocation(world, body2)), GetY(lastpos2));
ASSERT_GE(new_distance, 2_m);
ASSERT_NE(GetLocation(world, body1), lastpos1);
ASSERT_NE(GetLocation(world, body2), lastpos2);
// The body 1 moves right only.
EXPECT_GT(GetX(GetLocation(world, body1)), GetX(lastpos1));
EXPECT_TRUE(AlmostEqual(Real{GetY(GetLocation(world, body1)) / Meter}, Real{GetY(lastpos1) / Meter}));
// The body 2 moves left only.
EXPECT_LT(GetX(GetLocation(world, body2)), GetX(lastpos2));
EXPECT_TRUE(AlmostEqual(Real{GetY(GetLocation(world, body2)) / Meter}, Real{GetY(lastpos2) / Meter}));
lastpos1 = GetLocation(world, body1);
lastpos2 = GetLocation(world, body2);
ASSERT_NE(new_pos_diff, position_diff);
position_diff = new_pos_diff;
ASSERT_NE(new_distance, distance);
distance = new_distance;
const auto new_angle = GetAngle(new_pos_diff);
EXPECT_TRUE(AlmostEqual(Real{angle / 1_rad}, Real{new_angle / 1_rad}));
angle = new_angle;
TEST(World, CollidingDynamicBodies)
const auto radius = 1_m;
const auto x = Real(10); // other test parameters tuned to this value being 10
auto body_def = BodyConf{};
body_def.type = BodyType::Dynamic;
World world{};
MyContactListener listener{
[&](ContactID, const Manifold&) {},
[&](ContactID, const ContactImpulsesList&, unsigned) {},
[&](ContactID) {},
world.SetBeginContactListener([&listener](ContactID id) {
world.SetEndContactListener([&listener](ContactID id) {
world.SetPreSolveContactListener([&listener](ContactID id, const Manifold& manifold) {
listener.PreSolve(id, manifold);
world.SetPostSolveContactListener([&listener](ContactID id,
const ContactImpulsesList& impulses,
unsigned count){
listener.PostSolve(id, impulses, count);
const auto shape = Shape(DiskShapeConf{}.UseDensity(1_kgpm2).UseRestitution(Real(1)).UseRadius(radius));
body_def.location = Length2{-(x + 1) * Meter, 0_m};
body_def.linearVelocity = LinearVelocity2{+x * 1_mps, 0_mps};
const auto body_a = world.CreateBody(body_def);
ASSERT_NE(body_a, InvalidBodyID);
ASSERT_EQ(GetType(world, body_a), BodyType::Dynamic);
ASSERT_TRUE(IsSpeedable(world, body_a));
ASSERT_TRUE(IsAccelerable(world, body_a));
const auto fixture1 = CreateFixture(world, body_a, shape);
ASSERT_NE(fixture1, InvalidFixtureID);
body_def.location = Length2{+(x + 1) * Meter, 0_m};
body_def.linearVelocity = LinearVelocity2{-x * 1_mps, 0_mps};
const auto body_b = world.CreateBody(body_def);
ASSERT_NE(body_b, InvalidBodyID);
ASSERT_EQ(GetType(world, body_b), BodyType::Dynamic);
ASSERT_TRUE(IsSpeedable(world, body_b));
ASSERT_TRUE(IsAccelerable(world, body_b));
const auto fixture2 = CreateFixture(world, body_b, shape);
ASSERT_NE(fixture2, InvalidFixtureID);
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLinearVelocity(world, body_a)), +x * 1_mps);
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLinearVelocity(world, body_a)), 0_mps);
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLinearVelocity(world, body_b)), -x * 1_mps);
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLinearVelocity(world, body_b)), 0_mps);
const auto time_collision = Real(1.0099994); // only valid for x >= around 4.214
const auto time_inc = Real(.01);
auto elapsed_time = Real(0);
for (;;) {
Step(world, 1_s * time_inc);
elapsed_time += time_inc;
if (listener.contacting) {
// Call SetSensor to add some unit test coverage of these Fixture methods.
EXPECT_FALSE(GetContacts(world, body_a).empty());
for (const auto& ci: GetContacts(world, body_a))
EXPECT_FALSE(NeedsFiltering(world, ci.second));
EXPECT_TRUE(NeedsUpdating(world, ci.second));
auto filter = GetFilterData(world, fixture1);
filter.categoryBits = ~filter.categoryBits;
EXPECT_NO_THROW(SetFilterData(world, fixture1, filter));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsSensor(world, fixture1));
SetSensor(world, fixture1, true);
EXPECT_TRUE(IsSensor(world, fixture1));
SetSensor(world, fixture1, false);
EXPECT_FALSE(IsSensor(world, fixture1));
EXPECT_FALSE(GetContacts(world, body_a).empty());
for (auto&& ci: GetContacts(world, body_a))
EXPECT_TRUE(NeedsFiltering(world, ci.second));
EXPECT_TRUE(NeedsUpdating(world, ci.second));
const auto time_contacting = elapsed_time;
EXPECT_NEAR(double(time_contacting), double(time_collision), 0.02);
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLocation(world, body_a)), 0_m);
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLocation(world, body_b)), 0_m);
const auto tolerance = x / 100;
// x position for body1 depends on restitution but it should be around -1
EXPECT_GE(GetX(GetLocation(world, body_a)) / Meter, Real(-1) - tolerance);
EXPECT_LT(GetX(GetLocation(world, body_a)) / Meter, Real(-1) + tolerance);
// x position for body2 depends on restitution but it should be around +1
EXPECT_LE(GetX(GetLocation(world, body_b)) / Meter, Real(+1) + tolerance);
EXPECT_GT(GetX(GetLocation(world, body_b)) / Meter, Real(+1) - tolerance);
// and their deltas from -1 and +1 should be about equal.
EXPECT_TRUE(AlmostEqual(Real{(GetX(GetLocation(world, body_a)) + 1_m) / Meter},
Real{(1_m - GetX(GetLocation(world, body_b))) / Meter}));
EXPECT_GE(GetX(listener.body_a[0]), -1_m);
EXPECT_LE(GetX(listener.body_b[0]), +1_m);
for (;;)
Step(world, 1_s * time_inc);
elapsed_time += time_inc;
if (!listener.contacting && !listener.touching)
EXPECT_TRUE(AlmostEqual(elapsed_time, time_contacting + time_inc));
// collision should be fully resolved now...
EXPECT_LT(GetX(GetLocation(world, body_a)), -1_m);
EXPECT_GT(GetX(GetLocation(world, body_b)), +1_m);
// and their deltas from -1 and +1 should be about equal.
EXPECT_TRUE(AlmostEqual(Real{(GetX(GetLocation(world, body_a)) + 1_m) / Meter},
Real{(1_m - GetX(GetLocation(world, body_b))) / Meter}));
EXPECT_LT(GetX(listener.body_a[1]), -1_m);
EXPECT_GT(GetX(listener.body_b[1]), +1_m);
// confirm conservation of momentum:
// velocities should now be same magnitude but in opposite directions
EXPECT_NEAR(double(Real{GetX(GetLinearVelocity(world, body_a)) / 1_mps}),
double(-x), 0.0001);
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLinearVelocity(world, body_a)), 0_mps);
EXPECT_NEAR(double(Real{GetX(GetLinearVelocity(world, body_b)) / 1_mps}),
double(+x), 0.0001);
EXPECT_EQ(GetY(GetLinearVelocity(world, body_b)), 0_mps);
TEST(World_Longer, TilesComesToRest)
constexpr auto LinearSlop = Meter / 1000;
constexpr auto AngularSlop = (Pi * 2 * 1_rad) / 180;
constexpr auto VertexRadius = LinearSlop * 2;
auto conf = PolygonShapeConf{}.UseVertexRadius(VertexRadius);
const auto world = std::make_unique<World>(WorldConf{}.UseMinVertexRadius(VertexRadius));
constexpr auto e_count = 36;
const auto a = Real{0.5f};
const auto ground = world->CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseLocation(Length2{0, -a * Meter}));
const auto N = 200;
const auto M = 10;
Length2 position;
GetY(position) = 0.0_m;
for (auto j = 0; j < M; ++j)
GetX(position) = -N * a * Meter;
for (auto i = 0; i < N; ++i)
conf.SetAsBox(a * Meter, a * Meter, position, 0_deg);
CreateFixture(*world, ground, Shape{conf});
GetX(position) += 2.0f * a * Meter;
GetY(position) -= 2.0f * a * Meter;
const auto a = Real{0.5f};
conf.SetAsBox(a * Meter, a * Meter);
const auto shape = Shape(conf);
Length2 x(-7.0_m, 0.75_m);
const auto deltaX = Length2(0.5625_m, 1.25_m);
const auto deltaY = Length2(1.125_m, 0.0_m);
for (auto i = 0; i < e_count; ++i)
y = x;
for (auto j = i; j < e_count; ++j)
const auto body = world->CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic).UseLocation(y).UseLinearAcceleration(EarthlyGravity));
CreateFixture(*world, body, shape);
y += deltaY;
x += deltaX;
StepConf step;
step.deltaTime = 1_s / 60;
step.linearSlop = LinearSlop;
step.regMinSeparation = -LinearSlop * Real(3);
step.toiMinSeparation = -LinearSlop * Real(1.5f);
step.targetDepth = LinearSlop * Real(3);
step.tolerance = LinearSlop / Real(4);
step.maxLinearCorrection = LinearSlop * Real(40);
step.maxAngularCorrection = AngularSlop * Real{4};
step.aabbExtension = LinearSlop * Real(20);
step.velocityThreshold = (Real{8} / Real{10}) * 1_mps;
step.maxSubSteps = std::uint8_t{48};
auto numSteps = 0ul;
auto sumRegPosIters = 0ul;
auto sumRegVelIters = 0ul;
auto sumToiPosIters = 0ul;
auto sumToiVelIters = 0ul;
//const auto start_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
while (GetAwakeCount(*world) > 0)
const auto stats = world->Step(step);
sumRegPosIters += stats.reg.sumPosIters;
sumRegVelIters += stats.reg.sumVelIters;
sumToiPosIters += stats.toi.sumPosIters;
sumToiVelIters += stats.toi.sumVelIters;
//const auto end_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
//const std::chrono::duration<double> elapsed_time = end_time - start_time;
// seeing e_count=20 times around:
// 0.447077s with Real=float and NDEBUG defined.
// 6.45222s with Real=float and NDEBUG not defined.
// 0.456306s with Real=double and NDEBUG defined.
// 6.74324s with Real=double and NDEBUG not defined.
// seeing e_count=24 times around:
// 0.956078s with Real=float and NDEBUG defined.
// 0.989387s with Real=double and NDEBUG defined.
// seeing e_count=30 times around:
// 2.35464s with Real=float and NDEBUG defined.
// 2.51661s with Real=double and NDEBUG defined.
// seeing e_count=36 times around:
// 4.163s with Real=float and NDEBUG defined.
// 5.374s with Real=double and NDEBUG defined.
EXPECT_EQ(GetAwakeCount(*world), 0u);
// The final stats seem dependent on the host the test is run on.
// Presume that this is most closely associated with the actual CPU/FPU.
// Note about commit 6b16f3722d5daac80ebaefd1dfda424939498dd4:
// Changed the order in which bodies get added to the world body list
// from being added to the front of the list to being added to the back
// of the list. Adding bodies to the front of World::m_bodies list
// resulted in the world index of bodies changing as new bodies got added.
// This wasn't the desired behavior. Time trials of this test with bodies
// being added to the back of the m_bodies list also got faster than
// when bodies were getting added to the front of the list.
// Note about commit 04f9188c47961cafe76c55eb6b766a608593ee08:
// Changed the way velocity constraint resolution was done. Added a check
// to see if any changes to velocity were introduced. If not, new code
// does an early exit from its velocityIterations looping.
// Note about commit d361c51d6aca13079e9d44b701715e62cec18a63:
// Changes were introduced that modified the way manifold calculations are done.
// While many of the following counts appear to have increased, this new
// mechanism for manifold calculations has benefits like no longer needing
// "ghost-vertices" to avoid sticking of things like boxes being dragged across
// a floor made up of chained edges nor rectangles. As to why the new manifold
// calculating method makes the counts change, that's not clear to me since
// it doesn't seem that the changes to the manifold calculation would be seen in
// this test. That some of these counts actually became lower (in the Core-2 case)
// suggests that the change to these counts has more to do with differences in
// floating point hardware than in the modifications actually adversely impacting
// the algorithmic efficiency of the code.
#if defined(__core2__)
switch (sizeof(Real))
case 4:
#ifndef __FAST_MATH__
EXPECT_EQ(numSteps, 1800ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumRegPosIters, 36518ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumRegVelIters, 46965ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumToiPosIters, 44006ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumToiVelIters, 113850ul);
EXPECT_EQ(numSteps, 1003ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumRegPosIters, 52909ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumRegVelIters, 103896ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumToiPosIters, 20616ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumToiVelIters, 30175ul);
case 8:
EXPECT_EQ(numSteps, 1828ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumRegPosIters, 36540ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumRegVelIters, 47173ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumToiPosIters, 44005ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumToiVelIters, 114231ul);
case 16:
FAIL(); break;
#elif defined(__k8__)
switch (sizeof(Real))
case 4:
// From commits after 507a7c15c
EXPECT_EQ(numSteps, 1793ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumRegPosIters, 36493ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumRegVelIters, 46884ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumToiPosIters, 43874ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumToiVelIters, 113472ul);
case 8:
EXPECT_EQ(numSteps, 1828ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumRegPosIters, 36540ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumRegVelIters, 47173ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumToiPosIters, 44005ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumToiVelIters, 114252ul);
#elif defined(_WIN64) // This is likely wrong as the results are more likely arch dependent
EXPECT_EQ(numSteps, 1794ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumRegPosIters, 36498ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumRegVelIters, 46900ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumToiPosIters, 44074ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumToiVelIters, 114404ul);
#elif defined(_WIN32)
EXPECT_EQ(numSteps, 1803ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumRegPosIters, 36528ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumRegVelIters, 46981ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumToiPosIters, 43684ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumToiVelIters, 112778ul);
// These will likely fail and need to be tweaked for the particular hardware...
EXPECT_EQ(numSteps, 1814ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumRegPosIters, 36600ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumRegVelIters, 264096ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumToiPosIters, 45022ul);
EXPECT_EQ(sumToiVelIters, 148560ul);
//std::cout << "Time: " << elapsed_time.count() << "s" << std::endl;
// EXPECT_LT(elapsed_time.count(), 7.0);
TEST(World, SpeedingBulletBallWontTunnel)
constexpr auto LinearSlop = playrho::Meter / playrho::Real(1000);
constexpr auto AngularSlop = (Pi * Real{2} * 1_rad) / Real{180};
constexpr auto VertexRadius = playrho::Length{LinearSlop * playrho::Real(2)};
World world{WorldConf{}.UseMinVertexRadius(VertexRadius)};
MyContactListener listener{
[&](ContactID, const Manifold&) {},
[&](ContactID, const ContactImpulsesList&, unsigned) {},
[&](ContactID) {},
world.SetBeginContactListener([&listener](ContactID id) {
world.SetEndContactListener([&listener](ContactID id) {
world.SetPreSolveContactListener([&listener](ContactID id, const Manifold& manifold) {
listener.PreSolve(id, manifold);
world.SetPostSolveContactListener([&listener](ContactID id,
const ContactImpulsesList& impulses,
unsigned count){
listener.PostSolve(id, impulses, count);
ASSERT_EQ(listener.begin_contacts, unsigned{0});
const auto left_edge_x = -0.1_m;
const auto right_edge_x = +0.1_m;
const auto edgeConf = EdgeShapeConf{}
.Set(Length2{0_m, +10_m}, Length2{0_m, -10_m});
const auto edge_shape = Shape(edgeConf);
BodyConf body_def;
body_def.type = BodyType::Static;
body_def.location = Length2{left_edge_x, 0_m};
const auto left_wall_body = world.CreateBody(body_def);
ASSERT_NE(left_wall_body, InvalidBodyID);
const auto wall_fixture = CreateFixture(world, left_wall_body, edge_shape);
ASSERT_NE(wall_fixture, InvalidFixtureID);
body_def.location = Length2{right_edge_x, 0_m};
const auto right_wall_body = world.CreateBody(body_def);
ASSERT_NE(right_wall_body, InvalidBodyID);
const auto wall_fixture = CreateFixture(world, right_wall_body, edge_shape);
ASSERT_NE(wall_fixture, InvalidFixtureID);
const auto begin_x = Real(0);
body_def.type = BodyType::Dynamic;
body_def.location = Length2{begin_x * Meter, 0_m};
body_def.bullet = false;
const auto ball_body = world.CreateBody(body_def);
ASSERT_NE(ball_body, InvalidBodyID);
const auto ball_radius = 0.01_m;
const auto circle_shape = Shape(DiskShapeConf{}.UseDensity(1_kgpm2).UseRestitution(Real(1)).UseRadius(ball_radius));
const auto ball_fixture = CreateFixture(world, ball_body, circle_shape);
ASSERT_NE(ball_fixture, InvalidFixtureID);
const auto velocity = LinearVelocity2{+1_mps, 0_mps};
SetVelocity(world, ball_body, Velocity{velocity, 0_deg / 1_s});
const auto time_inc = .01_s;
auto step = StepConf{};
step.deltaTime = time_inc;
step.linearSlop = LinearSlop;
step.regMinSeparation = -LinearSlop * Real(3);
step.toiMinSeparation = -LinearSlop * Real(1.5f);
step.targetDepth = LinearSlop * Real(3);
step.tolerance = LinearSlop / Real(4);
step.maxLinearCorrection = LinearSlop * Real(40);
step.maxAngularCorrection = AngularSlop * Real{4};
step.aabbExtension = LinearSlop * Real(20);
step.velocityThreshold = (Real{8} / Real{10}) * 1_mps;
step.maxSubSteps = std::uint8_t{48};
const auto max_velocity = step.maxTranslation / time_inc;
ASSERT_EQ(listener.begin_contacts, unsigned{0});
EXPECT_GT(GetX(GetLocation(world, ball_body)) / Meter, begin_x);
EXPECT_EQ(GetLinearVelocity(world, ball_body), velocity);
const auto max_travel = unsigned{10000};
auto increments = int{1};
for (auto laps = int{1}; laps < 100; ++laps)
// traveling to the right
listener.begin_contacts = 0;
for (auto travel_r = unsigned{0}; ; ++travel_r)
if (travel_r == max_travel)
std::cout << "begin_contacts=" << listener.begin_contacts << std::endl;
ASSERT_LT(travel_r, max_travel);
const auto last_contact_count = listener.begin_contacts;
EXPECT_LT(GetX(GetLocation(world, ball_body)), right_edge_x - (ball_radius/Real{2}));
EXPECT_GT(GetX(GetLocation(world, ball_body)), left_edge_x + (ball_radius/Real{2}));
if (GetX(GetVelocity(world, ball_body).linear) >= max_velocity)
if (listener.begin_contacts % 2 != 0) // direction switched
EXPECT_LT(GetX(GetVelocity(world, ball_body).linear), 0_mps);
break; // going left now
else if (listener.begin_contacts > last_contact_count)
SetVelocity(world, ball_body, Velocity{
static_cast<Real>(increments) * GetX(velocity),
GetY(GetVelocity(world, ball_body).linear)
}, GetVelocity(world, ball_body).angular});
EXPECT_TRUE(AlmostEqual(Real{GetX(GetVelocity(world, ball_body).linear) / 1_mps},
Real{static_cast<Real>(increments) * GetX(velocity) / 1_mps}));
// traveling to the left
listener.begin_contacts = 0;
for (auto travel_l = unsigned{0}; ; ++travel_l)
if (travel_l == max_travel)
std::cout << "begin_contacts=" << listener.begin_contacts << std::endl;
ASSERT_LT(travel_l, max_travel);
const auto last_contact_count = listener.begin_contacts;
EXPECT_LT(GetX(GetLocation(world, ball_body)), right_edge_x - (ball_radius/Real{2}));
EXPECT_GT(GetX(GetLocation(world, ball_body)), left_edge_x + (ball_radius/Real{2}));
if (GetX(GetVelocity(world, ball_body).linear) <= -max_velocity)
if (listener.begin_contacts % 2 != 0) // direction switched
EXPECT_GT(GetX(GetVelocity(world, ball_body).linear), 0_mps);
break; // going right now
else if (listener.begin_contacts > last_contact_count)
SetVelocity(world, ball_body, Velocity{
-static_cast<Real>(increments) * GetX(velocity),
GetY(GetVelocity(world, ball_body).linear)
}, GetVelocity(world, ball_body).angular});
EXPECT_TRUE(AlmostEqual(Real{GetX(GetVelocity(world, ball_body).linear) / 1_mps},
Real{-static_cast<Real>(increments) * GetX(velocity) / 1_mps}));
SetVelocity(world, ball_body, Velocity{
static_cast<Real>(increments) * GetX(velocity),
GetY(GetVelocity(world, ball_body).linear)
}, GetVelocity(world, ball_body).angular});
TEST(World_Longer, TargetJointWontCauseTunnelling)
World world{};
const auto half_box_width = Real(0.2);
const auto left_edge_x = -half_box_width;
const auto right_edge_x = +half_box_width;
const auto half_box_height = Real(0.2);
const auto btm_edge_y = -half_box_height;
const auto top_edge_y = +half_box_height;
AABB container_aabb;
BodyConf body_def;
body_def.type = BodyType::Static;
auto edgeConf = EdgeShapeConf{};
edgeConf.UseRestitution(Real(0.94f)); // changes where bodies will be after collision
// Setup vertical bounderies
edgeConf.Set(Length2{0, +half_box_height * 2_m}, Length2{0, -half_box_height * 2_m});
body_def.location = Length2{left_edge_x * Meter, 0_m};
const auto left_wall_body = world.CreateBody(body_def);
ASSERT_NE(left_wall_body, InvalidBodyID);
const auto wall_fixture = CreateFixture(world, left_wall_body, Shape(edgeConf));
ASSERT_NE(wall_fixture, InvalidFixtureID);
Include(container_aabb, ComputeAABB(world, left_wall_body));
body_def.location = Length2{right_edge_x * Meter, 0_m};
const auto right_wall_body = world.CreateBody(body_def);
ASSERT_NE(right_wall_body, InvalidBodyID);
const auto wall_fixture = CreateFixture(world, right_wall_body, Shape(edgeConf));
ASSERT_NE(wall_fixture, InvalidFixtureID);
Include(container_aabb, ComputeAABB(world, right_wall_body));
// Setup horizontal bounderies
edgeConf.Set(Length2{-half_box_width * 2_m, 0_m}, Length2{+half_box_width * 2_m, 0_m});
body_def.location = Length2{0, btm_edge_y * Meter};
const auto btm_wall_body = world.CreateBody(body_def);
ASSERT_NE(btm_wall_body, InvalidBodyID);
const auto wall_fixture = CreateFixture(world, btm_wall_body, Shape(edgeConf));
ASSERT_NE(wall_fixture, InvalidFixtureID);
Include(container_aabb, ComputeAABB(world, btm_wall_body));
body_def.location = Length2{0, top_edge_y * Meter};
const auto top_wall_body = world.CreateBody(body_def);
ASSERT_NE(top_wall_body, InvalidBodyID);
const auto wall_fixture = CreateFixture(world, top_wall_body, Shape(edgeConf));
ASSERT_NE(wall_fixture, InvalidFixtureID);
Include(container_aabb, ComputeAABB(world, top_wall_body));
body_def.type = BodyType::Dynamic;
body_def.location = Length2{};
body_def.bullet = true;
const auto ball_body = world.CreateBody(body_def);
ASSERT_NE(ball_body, InvalidBodyID);
ASSERT_EQ(GetX(GetLocation(world, ball_body)), 0_m);
ASSERT_EQ(GetY(GetLocation(world, ball_body)), 0_m);
const auto ball_radius = Real(half_box_width / 4) * Meter;
const auto object_shape = Shape(PolygonShapeConf{}.UseDensity(10_kgpm2).SetAsBox(ball_radius, ball_radius));
const auto ball_fixture = CreateFixture(world, ball_body, object_shape);
ASSERT_NE(ball_fixture, InvalidFixtureID);
constexpr auto numBodies = 1u;
Length2 last_opos[numBodies];
BodyID bodies[numBodies];
for (auto i = decltype(numBodies){0}; i < numBodies; ++i)
const auto angle = i * 2 * Pi / numBodies;
const auto x = ball_radius * Real(2.1) * cos(angle);
const auto y = ball_radius * Real(2.1) * sin(angle);
body_def.location = Length2{x, y};
bodies[i] = world.CreateBody(body_def);
ASSERT_NE(bodies[i], InvalidBodyID);
ASSERT_EQ(GetX(GetLocation(world, bodies[i])), x);
ASSERT_EQ(GetY(GetLocation(world, bodies[i])), y);
last_opos[i] = GetLocation(world, bodies[i]);
const auto fixture = CreateFixture(world, bodies[i], object_shape);
ASSERT_NE(fixture, InvalidFixtureID);
const auto spare_body = [&](){
BodyConf bodyConf;
bodyConf.UseLocation(Length2{-ball_radius / Real{2}, +ball_radius / Real{2}});
return world.CreateBody(bodyConf);
const auto target_joint = [&]() {
mjd.bodyA = spare_body;
mjd.bodyB = ball_body;
const auto ball_body_pos = GetLocation(world, ball_body); = Length2{
GetX(ball_body_pos) - ball_radius / Real{2},
GetY(ball_body_pos) + ball_radius / Real{2}
mjd.maxForce = Real(1000) * GetMass(world, ball_body) * MeterPerSquareSecond;
return world.CreateJoint(Joint{mjd});
ASSERT_NE(target_joint, InvalidJointID);
SetAwake(world, ball_body);
auto max_x = Real(0);
auto min_x = Real(0);
auto max_y = Real(0);
auto min_y = Real(0);
auto max_velocity = Real(0);
//const auto time_inc = Real(.0043268126901); // numBodies = 6, somewhat dependent on fixture density (10 or less?).
//const auto time_inc = Real(.0039224); // numBodies = 4, maybe dependent on fixture density
//const auto time_inc = Real(.003746); // numBodies = 2, maybe dependent on fixture density
//const auto time_inc = Real(.0036728129); // numBodies = 1, maybe dependent on fixture density
const auto time_inc = Real(.00367281295); // numBodies = 1, maybe dependent on fixture density
auto angle = Real(0);
auto anglular_speed = Real(0.01); // radians / timestep
const auto anglular_accel = Real(1.002);
auto distance = half_box_width / 2;
auto distance_speed = Real(0.003); // meters / timestep
const auto distance_accel = Real(1.001);
MyContactListener listener{world,
[&](ContactID contact, const Manifold& old_manifold)
// PreSolve...
const auto new_manifold = GetManifold(world, contact);
const auto pointStates = GetPointStates(old_manifold, new_manifold);
const auto oldPointCount = old_manifold.GetPointCount();
switch (oldPointCount)
case 0:
ASSERT_EQ(pointStates.state1[0], PointState::NullState);
ASSERT_EQ(pointStates.state1[1], PointState::NullState);
case 1:
ASSERT_NE(pointStates.state1[0], PointState::NullState);
ASSERT_EQ(pointStates.state1[1], PointState::NullState);
case 2:
ASSERT_NE(pointStates.state1[0], PointState::NullState);
ASSERT_NE(pointStates.state1[1], PointState::NullState);
ASSERT_LE(oldPointCount, 2);
const auto newPointCount = new_manifold.GetPointCount();
switch (newPointCount)
case 0:
ASSERT_EQ(pointStates.state2[0], PointState::NullState);
ASSERT_EQ(pointStates.state2[1], PointState::NullState);
case 1:
ASSERT_NE(pointStates.state2[0], PointState::NullState);
ASSERT_EQ(pointStates.state2[1], PointState::NullState);
case 2:
ASSERT_NE(pointStates.state2[0], PointState::NullState);
ASSERT_NE(pointStates.state2[1], PointState::NullState);
ASSERT_LE(newPointCount, 2);
ASSERT_THROW(world.Destroy(target_joint), WrongState);
[&](ContactID contact, const ContactImpulsesList& impulse, unsigned solved)
const auto fA = GetFixtureA(world, contact);
const auto fB = GetFixtureB(world, contact);
ASSERT_NE(fA, InvalidFixtureID);
ASSERT_NE(fB, InvalidFixtureID);
const auto body_a = GetBody(world, fA);
const auto body_b = GetBody(world, fB);
ASSERT_NE(body_a, InvalidBodyID);
ASSERT_NE(body_b, InvalidBodyID);
auto fail_count = unsigned{0};
for (auto&& body: {body_a, body_b})
if (!IsSpeedable(world, body))
const auto bpos = GetLocation(world, body);
const auto lt = Length2{right_edge_x * Meter, top_edge_y * Meter} - bpos;
const auto gt = bpos - Length2{left_edge_x * Meter, btm_edge_y * Meter};
if (GetX(lt) <= 0_m || GetY(lt) <= 0_m || GetX(gt) <= 0_m || GetY(gt) <= 0_m)
if (!TestOverlap(container_aabb, ComputeAABB(world, body)))
// Check if body gets out of bounds and no longer even overlapping
// container!
EXPECT_LT(GetX(GetLocation(world, body)), right_edge_x * Meter);
EXPECT_LT(GetY(GetLocation(world, body)), top_edge_y * Meter);
EXPECT_GT(GetX(GetLocation(world, body)), left_edge_x * Meter);
EXPECT_GT(GetY(GetLocation(world, body)), btm_edge_y * Meter);
if (fail_count > 0)
std::cout << " angl=" << angle;
std::cout << " ctoi=" << 0 + GetToiCount(world, contact);
std::cout << " solv=" << 0 + solved;
std::cout << " targ=(" << distance * cos(angle) << "," << distance * sin(angle) << ")";
std::cout << " maxv=" << max_velocity;
std::cout << " rang=(" << min_x << "," << min_y << ")-(" << max_x << "," << max_y << ")";
std::cout << " bpos=(" << GetX(GetLocation(world, ball_body)) << "," << GetY(GetLocation(world, ball_body)) << ")";
std::cout << std::endl;
for (auto i = decltype(impulse.GetCount()){0}; i < impulse.GetCount(); ++i)
std::cout << " i#" << (0 + i) << "={n" << impulse.GetEntryNormal(i) << ",t" << impulse.GetEntryTanget(i) << "}";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << " bodyA=(" << GetX(GetLocation(world, body_a)) << "," << GetY(GetLocation(world, body_a)) << ")";
if (body_a == ball_body) std::cout << " ball";
if (!IsSpeedable(world, body_a)) std::cout << " wall";
std::cout << " " << to_underlying(body_a);
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << " bodyB=(" << GetX(GetLocation(world, body_b)) << "," << GetY(GetLocation(world, body_b)) << ")";
if (body_b == ball_body) std::cout << " ball";
if (!IsSpeedable(world, body_b)) std::cout << " wall";
std::cout << " " << to_underlying(body_b);
std::cout << std::endl;
[&](ContactID contact) {
const auto fA = GetFixtureA(world, contact);
const auto fB = GetFixtureB(world, contact);
const auto body_a = GetBody(world, fA);
const auto body_b = GetBody(world, fB);
auto escaped = false;
for (auto&& body: {body_a, body_b})
if (!IsSpeedable(world, body))
if (GetX(GetLocation(world, body)) >= right_edge_x * Meter)
escaped = true;
if (GetY(GetLocation(world, body)) >= top_edge_y * Meter)
escaped = true;
if (GetX(GetLocation(world, body)) <= left_edge_x * Meter)
escaped = true;
if (GetY(GetLocation(world, body)) <= btm_edge_y * Meter)
escaped = true;
if (escaped && !IsTouching(world, contact))
std::cout << "Escaped at EndContact[" << &contact << "]:";
std::cout << " toiSteps=" << static_cast<unsigned>(GetToiCount(world, contact));
std::cout << " toiValid=" << HasValidToi(world, contact);
std::cout << " a[" << to_underlying(body_a) << "]@(" << GetX(GetLocation(world, body_a)) << "," << GetY(GetLocation(world, body_a)) << ")";
std::cout << " b[" << to_underlying(body_b) << "]@(" << GetX(GetLocation(world, body_b)) << "," << GetY(GetLocation(world, body_b)) << ")";
std::cout << std::endl;
ASSERT_EQ(listener.begin_contacts, unsigned{0});
SetBeginContactListener(world, [&listener](ContactID id) {
SetEndContactListener(world, [&listener](ContactID id) {
SetPreSolveContactListener(world, [&listener](ContactID id, const Manifold& manifold) {
listener.PreSolve(id, manifold);
SetPostSolveContactListener(world, [&listener](ContactID id,
const ContactImpulsesList& impulses,
unsigned count){
listener.PostSolve(id, impulses, count);
for (auto outer = unsigned{0}; outer < 2000; ++outer)
auto last_pos = GetLocation(world, ball_body);
for (auto loops = unsigned{0};; ++loops)
SetTarget(world, target_joint, Length2{distance * cos(angle) * Meter, distance * sin(angle) * Meter});
angle += anglular_speed;
distance += distance_speed;
Step(world, 1_s * time_inc, 8, 3);
ASSERT_LT(GetX(GetLocation(world, ball_body)), right_edge_x * Meter);
ASSERT_LT(GetY(GetLocation(world, ball_body)), top_edge_y * Meter);
ASSERT_GT(GetX(GetLocation(world, ball_body)), left_edge_x * Meter);
ASSERT_GT(GetY(GetLocation(world, ball_body)), btm_edge_y * Meter);
for (auto i = decltype(numBodies){0}; i < numBodies; ++i)
ASSERT_LT(GetX(GetLocation(world, bodies[i])), right_edge_x * Meter);
ASSERT_LT(GetY(GetLocation(world, bodies[i])), top_edge_y * Meter);
ASSERT_GT(GetX(GetLocation(world, bodies[i])), left_edge_x * Meter);
ASSERT_GT(GetY(GetLocation(world, bodies[i])), btm_edge_y * Meter);
max_x = std::max(Real{GetX(GetLocation(world, ball_body)) / Meter}, max_x);
min_x = std::min(Real{GetX(GetLocation(world, ball_body)) / Meter}, min_x);
max_y = std::max(Real{GetY(GetLocation(world, ball_body)) / Meter}, max_y);
min_y = std::min(Real{GetY(GetLocation(world, ball_body)) / Meter}, min_y);
const auto linVel = GetVelocity(world, ball_body).linear;
max_velocity = std::max(GetMagnitude(GetVec2(linVel)), max_velocity);
if (loops > 50)
if (GetX(GetTarget(world, target_joint)) < 0_m)
if (GetX(GetLocation(world, ball_body)) >= GetX(last_pos))
if (GetX(GetLocation(world, ball_body)) <= GetX(last_pos))
if (GetY(GetTarget(world, target_joint)) < 0_m)
if (GetY(GetLocation(world, ball_body)) >= GetY(last_pos))
if (GetY(GetLocation(world, ball_body)) <= GetY(last_pos))
last_pos = GetLocation(world, ball_body);
anglular_speed *= anglular_accel;
distance_speed *= distance_accel;
ASSERT_NE(GetLocation(world, ball_body), (Length2{}));
#if 0
if (outer > 100)
for (auto i = decltype(numBodies){0}; i < numBodies; ++i)
// a sanity check to ensure the other bodies are getting moved
EXPECT_NE(last_opos[i], GetLocation(world, bodies[i]));
last_opos[i] = GetLocation(world, bodies[i]);
#if 0
std::cout << "angle=" << angle;
std::cout << " target=(" << distance * cos(angle) << "," << distance * sin(angle) << ")";
std::cout << " maxvel=" << max_velocity;
std::cout << " range=(" << min_x << "," << min_y << ")-(" << max_x << "," << max_y << ")";
std::cout << std::endl;
const auto target0 = GetTarget(world, target_joint);
const auto shift = Length2{2_m, 2_m};
const auto target1 = GetTarget(world, target_joint);
EXPECT_EQ(target0 - shift, target1);
#if 0
static void smaller_still_conserves_momentum(bool bullet, Real multiplier, Real time_inc)
const auto radius = Real(1);
const auto start_distance = Real(10);
auto scale = Real(1);
for (;;)
const auto gravity = Vec2{};
World world{WorldConf{}.UseGravity(gravity)};
ASSERT_EQ(GetX(world.GetGravity()), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(GetY(world.GetGravity()), 0);
auto maxNormalImpulse = Real(0);
auto maxTangentImpulse = Real(0);
auto maxPoints = 0u;
auto numSteps = 0u;
auto failed = false;
auto preB1 = Vec2{};
auto preB2 = Vec2{};
MyContactListener listener{
[&](Contact& contact, const Manifold&)
const auto fA = contact.GetFixtureA();
const auto fB = contact.GetFixtureB();
const auto bA = fA->GetBody();
const auto bB = fB->GetBody();
preB1 = bA->GetLocation();
preB2 = bB->GetLocation();
[&](Contact& /* contact */, const ContactImpulsesList& impulse, ContactListener::iteration_type /* solved */)
const auto count = impulse.GetCount();
maxPoints = std::max(maxPoints, decltype(maxPoints){count});
for (auto i = decltype(count){0}; i < count; ++i)
maxNormalImpulse = std::max(maxNormalImpulse, impulse.GetEntryNormal(i));
maxTangentImpulse = std::max(maxTangentImpulse, impulse.GetEntryTanget(i));
if (maxNormalImpulse == 0 && maxTangentImpulse == 0)
failed = true;
#if 0
const auto& manifold = contact.GetManifold();
std::cout << " solved=" << unsigned(solved);
std::cout << " numstp=" << numSteps;
std::cout << " type=" << unsigned(manifold.GetType());
std::cout << " lp.x=" << manifold.GetLocalPoint().x;
std::cout << " lp.y=" << manifold.GetLocalPoint().y;
const auto count = manifold.GetPointCount();
std::cout << " points=" << unsigned(count);
for (auto i = decltype(count){0}; i < count; ++i)
std::cout << " ni[" << unsigned(i) << "]=" << manifold.GetPoint(i).normalImpulse;
std::cout << " ti[" << unsigned(i) << "]=" << manifold.GetPoint(i).tangentImpulse;
std::cout << " lp[" << unsigned(i) << "].x=" << manifold.GetPoint(i).localPoint.x;
std::cout << " lp[" << unsigned(i) << "].y=" << manifold.GetPoint(i).localPoint.y;
std::cout << std::endl;
[=](Contact&) {
SetContactListener(world, &listener);
const auto shape = DiskShapeConf{}.UseRadius(scale * radius * Meter);
ASSERT_EQ(shape->GetRadius(), scale * radius);
auto fixture_def = FixtureConf{}.UseDensity(1);
fixture_def.friction = 0;
fixture_def.restitution = 1;
auto body_def = BodyConf{};
body_def.type = BodyType::Dynamic;
body_def.bullet = bullet;
body_def.position = Vec2{+(scale * start_distance), 0};
body_def.linearVelocity = Vec2{-start_distance, 0};
const auto body_1 = world.CreateBody(body_def);
ASSERT_EQ(body_1->GetLocation().x, body_def.position.x);
ASSERT_EQ(body_1->GetLocation().y, body_def.position.y);
ASSERT_EQ(GetLinearVelocity(*body_1).x, body_def.linearVelocity.x);
ASSERT_EQ(GetLinearVelocity(*body_1).y, body_def.linearVelocity.y);
body_1->CreateFixture(shape, fixture_def);
body_def.position = Vec2{-(scale * start_distance), 0};
body_def.linearVelocity = Vec2{+start_distance, 0};
const auto body_2 = world.CreateBody(body_def);
ASSERT_EQ(body_2->GetLocation().x, body_def.position.x);
ASSERT_EQ(body_2->GetLocation().y, body_def.position.y);
ASSERT_EQ(GetLinearVelocity(*body_2).x, body_def.linearVelocity.x);
ASSERT_EQ(GetLinearVelocity(*body_2).y, body_def.linearVelocity.y);
body_2->CreateFixture(shape, fixture_def);
for (;;)
const auto relative_velocity = GetLinearVelocity(*body_1) - GetLinearVelocity(*body_2);
if (relative_velocity.x >= 0)
EXPECT_NEAR(double(relative_velocity.x), double(abs(body_def.linearVelocity.x) * +2), 0.0001);
if (failed)
std::cout << " scale=" << scale;
std::cout << " dist0=" << (scale * start_distance * 2);
std::cout << " bcont=" << listener.begin_contacts;
std::cout << " econt=" << listener.end_contacts;
std::cout << " pre-#=" << listener.pre_solves;
std::cout << " post#=" << listener.post_solves;
std::cout << " normi=" << maxNormalImpulse;
std::cout << " tangi=" << maxTangentImpulse;
std::cout << " n-pts=" << maxPoints;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << " pre1.x=" << preB1.x;
std::cout << " pre2.x=" << preB2.x;
std::cout << " pos1.x=" << body_1->GetLocation().x;
std::cout << " pos2.x=" << body_2->GetLocation().x;
std::cout << " preDel=" << (preB1.x - preB2.x);
std::cout << " posDel=" << (body_1->GetLocation().x - body_2->GetLocation().x);
std::cout << " travel=" << (body_1->GetLocation().x - preB1.x);
std::cout << std::endl;
EXPECT_TRUE(AlmostEqual(relative_velocity.x, abs(body_def.linearVelocity.x) * -2));
Step(world, time_inc);
scale *= multiplier;
TEST(World, SmallerStillConservesMomemtum)
// smaller_still_conserves_momentum(false, Real(0.999), Real(0.01));
// fails around scale=0.0899796 dist0=1.79959
// goin to smaller time increment fails nearly same point.
smaller_still_conserves_momentum(false, Real(0.999), Real(0.01));
TEST(World, SmallerBulletStillConservesMomemtum)
// smaller_still_conserves_momentum(true, Real(0.999), Real(0.01))
// fails around scale=4.99832e-05 dist0=0.000999664
// goin to smaller time increment fails nearly same point.
// smaller_still_conserves_momentum(true, Real(0.999), Real(0.01));
#if 0
class VerticalStackTest: public ::testing::TestWithParam<Real>
virtual void SetUp()
const auto hw_ground = 40.0_m;
const auto ground = world.CreateBody();
CreateFixture(world, ground, Shape{EdgeShapeConf{}.Set(Length2{-hw_ground, 0_m}, Length2{hw_ground, 0_m})});
const auto numboxes = boxes.size();
original_x = GetParam();
const auto boxShape = Shape{PolygonShapeConf{}.UseDensity(1_kgpm2).UseFriction(Real(0.3f)).SetAsBox(hdim, hdim)};
for (auto i = decltype(numboxes){0}; i < numboxes; ++i)
// (hdim + 0.05f) + (hdim * 2 + 0.1f) * i
const auto location = Length2{original_x * Meter, (i + Real{1}) * hdim * Real{4}};
const auto box = world.CreateBody(BodyConf{}.UseType(BodyType::Dynamic).UseLocation(location));
CreateFixture(world, box, boxShape);
boxes[i] = box;
auto stepConf = StepConf{};
stepConf.deltaTime = 1_s / 60;
while (loopsTillSleeping < maxLoops)
if (GetAwakeCount(world) == 0)
World world{};
std::size_t loopsTillSleeping = 0;
const std::size_t maxLoops = 10000;
std::vector<BodyID> boxes{10};
Real original_x = 0;
const Length hdim = 0.1_m;
TEST_P(VerticalStackTest, EndsBeforeMaxLoops)
EXPECT_LT(loopsTillSleeping, maxLoops);
TEST_P(VerticalStackTest, BoxesAtOriginalX)
for (auto&& box: boxes)
EXPECT_EQ(GetX(GetLocation(world, box)), original_x * Meter);
TEST_P(VerticalStackTest, EachBoxAboveLast)
auto lasty = 0_m;
for (auto&& box: boxes)
EXPECT_GT(GetY(GetLocation(world, box)), lasty + hdim);
lasty = GetY(GetLocation(world, box));
TEST_P(VerticalStackTest, EachBodyLevel)
for (auto&& box: boxes)
EXPECT_EQ(GetAngle(world, box), 0_deg);
static std::string test_suffix_generator(::testing::TestParamInfo<Real> param_info)
std::stringstream strbuf;
strbuf << param_info.index;
return strbuf.str();
static ::testing::internal::ParamGenerator<VerticalStackTest::ParamType> gtest_WorldVerticalStackTest_EvalGenerator_();
static ::std::string gtest_WorldVerticalStackTest_EvalGenerateName_(const ::testing::TestParamInfo<VerticalStackTest::ParamType>& info);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(World, VerticalStackTest, ::testing::Values(Real(0), Real(5)), test_suffix_generator);
void SetAcceleration(Body &body, Acceleration value) noexcept
Sets the accelerations on the given body.
Definition: Body.hpp:1032
void SetAwake(Body &body) noexcept
Awakens this body.
Definition: Body.hpp:822
@ Static
Static body type.
constexpr auto RadianPerSquareSecond
Radian per square second unit of angular acceleration.
Definition: Units.hpp:394
constexpr auto MeterPerSquareSecond
Meter per square second unit of linear acceleration.
Definition: Units.hpp:345
BodyID CreateBody(World &world, const BodyConf &def)
Creates a rigid body with the given configuration.
Definition: WorldBody.cpp:58
PLAYRHO_QUANTITY(boost::units::si::length) Length
Length quantity.
Definition: Units.hpp:158
constexpr BodyConf & UseType(BodyType t) noexcept
Use the given type.
Definition: BodyConf.hpp:166
BodyID CreateBody(const BodyConf &def=GetDefaultBodyConf())
Creates a rigid body with the given configuration.
Definition: World.cpp:161
PolygonShapeConf & SetAsBox(Length hx, Length hy) noexcept
Sets the vertices to represent an axis-aligned box centered on the local origin.
Definition: PolygonShapeConf.cpp:42
SizedRange< World::Contacts::const_iterator > GetContacts(BodyID id) const
Gets the container of contacts attached to the identified body.
Definition: World.cpp:191
Name space for 2-dimensionally related PlayRho names.
Definition: AABB.cpp:34
bool IsStepComplete(const WorldImpl &world) noexcept
Whether or not "step" is complete.
Definition: WorldImplMisc.cpp:122
BodyID bodyA
1st attached body.
Definition: JointConf.hpp:36
NonNegative< AreaDensity > GetDensity(const Shape &shape) noexcept
Gets the density of the given shape.
Definition: Shape.hpp:304
constexpr auto MaxBodies
Maximum number of bodies in a world.
Definition: Settings.hpp:212
Fixed< BT, FB > nextafter(Fixed< BT, FB > from, Fixed< BT, FB > to) noexcept
Next after function for Fixed types.
Definition: FixedMath.hpp:351
constexpr size_type GetPointCount() const noexcept
Gets the manifold point count.
Definition: Manifold.hpp:332
std::remove_const< decltype(MaxManifoldPoints)>::type size_type
Size type.
Definition: Manifold.hpp:69
2-D unit vector.
Definition: UnitVec.hpp:50
bool GetSubStepping(const WorldImpl &world) noexcept
Gets whether or not sub-stepping is enabled.
Definition: WorldImplMisc.cpp:127
Mass GetMass(const Body &body) noexcept
Gets the mass of the body.
Definition: Body.hpp:1082
EdgeShapeConf & Set(Length2 vA, Length2 vB) noexcept
Sets both vertices in one call.
Definition: EdgeShapeConf.cpp:33
static constexpr UnitVec GetRight() noexcept
Gets the right-ward oriented unit vector.
Definition: UnitVec.hpp:74
void SetBeginContactListener(ContactListener listener) noexcept
Registers a begin contact event listener.
Definition: World.cpp:56
constexpr auto InvalidJointID
Invalid joint ID value.
Definition: JointID.hpp:33
auto GetMagnitude(T value)
Gets the magnitude of the given value.
Definition: Math.hpp:329
bool IsSensor(const Contact &contact) noexcept
Gets whether the given contact is for sensors or not.
Definition: Contact.hpp:665
MassData ComputeMassData(const World &world, BodyID id)
Computes the identified body's mass data.
Definition: WorldBody.cpp:347
constexpr ConcreteConf & UseRestitution(Finite< Real > value) noexcept
Uses the given restitution.
Definition: ShapeConf.hpp:103
SizedRange< std::vector< KeyedContactPtr >::const_iterator > GetContacts(const World &world, BodyID id)
Gets the container of all contacts attached to the identified body.
Definition: WorldBody.cpp:478
SizedRange< World::BodyJoints::const_iterator > GetJoints(BodyID id) const
Gets the range of joints attached to the identified body.
Definition: World.cpp:186
bool IsAwake(const Body &body) noexcept
Gets the awake/asleep state of this body.
Definition: Body.hpp:808
auto GetToiCount(const Contact &contact) noexcept
Gets the time of impact count.
Definition: Contact.hpp:672
void Clear(Island &island) noexcept
Clears the island containers.
Definition: Island.cpp:145
void SetJoint(JointID id, const Joint &def)
Sets the identified joint to the given value.
Definition: World.cpp:231
constexpr Vector< T, N > abs(const Vector< T, N > &v) noexcept
Absolute value function for vectors.
Definition: Math.hpp:208
BodyType GetType(const Body &body) noexcept
Gets the type of this body.
Definition: Body.hpp:691
SizedRange< Bodies::const_iterator > GetBodies() const noexcept
Gets the world body range for this constant world.
Definition: World.cpp:151
Time deltaTime
Delta time.
Definition: StepConf.hpp:53
Positive< Length > linearSlop
Linear slop.
Definition: StepConf.hpp:71
Length toiMinSeparation
Time of impact minimum separation.
Definition: StepConf.hpp:115
RayCastOutput RayCast(Length radius, Length2 location, const RayCastInput &input) noexcept
Cast a ray against a circle of a given radius at the given location.
Definition: RayCastOutput.cpp:37
Length2 location
Location for the disk shape to be centered at.
Definition: DiskShapeConf.hpp:105
World configuration data.
Definition: WorldConf.hpp:33
PolygonShapeConf & UseVertexRadius(NonNegative< Length > value) noexcept
Uses the given vertex radius.
Definition: PolygonShapeConf.hpp:195
BodyID GetBody(const FixtureConf &conf) noexcept
Gets the body of the given configuration.
Definition: FixtureConf.hpp:119
const Manifold & GetManifold(const World &world, ContactID id)
Gets the manifold for the identified contact.
Definition: WorldContact.cpp:151
counter_type sumPosIters
Sum of the position iterations.
Definition: StepStats.hpp:60
constexpr ConcreteConf & UseDensity(NonNegative< AreaDensity > value) noexcept
Uses the given density.
Definition: ShapeConf.hpp:111
constexpr WorldConf & UseMaxVertexRadius(Positive< Length > value) noexcept
Uses the given max vertex radius value.
Definition: WorldConf.hpp:72
Filter GetFilterData(const FixtureConf &conf) noexcept
Gets the filter-data of the given configuration.
Definition: FixtureConf.hpp:168
constexpr auto & GetX(T &value)
Gets the "X" element of the given value - i.e. the first element.
Definition: Math.hpp:66
JointCounter GetJointCount(const World &world) noexcept
Gets the count of joints in the given world.
Definition: WorldJoint.hpp:382
Name space for all PlayRho related names.
Definition: AABB.cpp:33
void SetType(Body &body, BodyType value) noexcept
Sets the type of this body.
Definition: Body.hpp:699
bool IsTouching(const Contact &contact) noexcept
Gets whether the given contact is touching or not.
Definition: Contact.hpp:658
DynamicTree::Height GetMaxImbalance(const DynamicTree &tree) noexcept
Gets the maximum imbalance.
Definition: DynamicTree.cpp:786
BodyType type
Type of the body: static, kinematic, or dynamic.
Definition: BodyConf.hpp:108
LinearAcceleration2 linear
Linear acceleration.
Definition: Acceleration.hpp:34
Vector2< Real > Vec2
Vector with 2 Real elements.
Definition: Vector2.hpp:39
AABB ComputeAABB(const DistanceProxy &proxy, const Transformation &xf) noexcept
Computes the AABB.
Definition: AABB.cpp:36
void Clear() noexcept
Clears this world.
Definition: World.cpp:76
ContactCounter GetTouchingCount(const World &world) noexcept
Gets the touching count for the given world.
Definition: WorldContact.cpp:217
Checked value.
Definition: CheckedValue.hpp:62
ContactCounter GetTouchingCount(const World &world) noexcept
Gets the touching count for the given world.
Definition: WorldContact.cpp:217
JointCounter GetJointRange(const WorldImpl &world) noexcept
Gets the extent of the currently valid joint range.
Definition: WorldImplJoint.cpp:42
SizedRange< Fixtures::const_iterator > GetFixtures(BodyID id) const
Gets the range of fixtures attached to the identified body.
Definition: World.cpp:181
Length maxTranslation
Maximum translation.
Definition: StepConf.hpp:153
Length2 GetLocalAnchorA(const Joint &object)
Get the anchor point on body-A in local coordinates.
Definition: Joint.cpp:62
PreStepStats pre
Pre-phase step statistics.
Definition: StepStats.hpp:117
void UnsetImpenetrable(Body &body) noexcept
Unsets the impenetrable status of this body.
Definition: Body.hpp:746
std::remove_const< decltype(MaxBodies)>::type BodyCounter
Count type for bodies.
Definition: Settings.hpp:217
playrho::detail::AABB< 2 >
Angle maxAngularCorrection
Maximum angular correction.
Definition: StepConf.hpp:187
Definition of an independent and simulatable "world".
Definition: World.hpp:129
constexpr auto InvalidFixtureID
Invalid fixture ID value.
Definition: FixtureID.hpp:33
std::uint32_t counter_type
Counter type.
Definition: StepStats.hpp:32
PointStates GetPointStates(const Manifold &manifold1, const Manifold &manifold2) noexcept
Computes the point states given two manifolds.
Definition: Collision.cpp:27
constexpr Type GetType() const noexcept
Gets the type of this manifold.
Definition: Manifold.hpp:317
bool IsStepComplete() const noexcept
Whether or not "step" is complete.
Definition: World.cpp:86
Length based logic error.
Definition: LengthError.hpp:33
Length regMinSeparation
Regular minimum separation.
Definition: StepConf.hpp:94
constexpr auto MaxJoints
Maximum number of joints in a world.
Definition: Settings.hpp:234
void SetImpenetrable(Body &body) noexcept
Sets the impenetrable status of this body.
Definition: Body.hpp:736
Length2 GetTarget(const Joint &object)
Gets the given joint's target property if it has one.
Definition: Joint.cpp:459
SizedRange< std::vector< FixtureID >::const_iterator > GetFixtures(const World &world, BodyID id)
Gets the range of all constant fixtures attached to the given body.
Definition: WorldBody.cpp:79
AngularVelocity angular
Angular velocity.
Definition: Velocity.hpp:40
Fixture definition.
Definition: FixtureConf.hpp:46
FixtureCounter GetShapeCount(const World &world) noexcept
Gets the count of unique shapes in the given world.
Definition: WorldMisc.cpp:125
Edge shape configuration.
Definition: EdgeShapeConf.hpp:42
const DynamicTree & GetTree() const noexcept
Gets access to the broad-phase dynamic tree information.
Definition: World.cpp:101
void ShiftOrigin(Length2 newOrigin)
Shifts the world origin.
Definition: World.cpp:111
Length GetMaxVertexRadius() const noexcept
Gets the maximum vertex radius that shapes in this world can be.
Definition: World.cpp:121
Wider< BodyCounter >::type ContactCounter
Count type for contacts.
Definition: Settings.hpp:221
constexpr bool ShiftOrigin(DistanceJointConf &, Length2) noexcept
Shifts the origin notion of the given configuration.
Definition: DistanceJointConf.hpp:177
void SetPostSolveContactListener(ImpulsesContactListener listener) noexcept
Registers a post-solve contact event listener.
Definition: World.cpp:71
void SetEndContactListener(ContactListener listener) noexcept
Registers an end contact event listener.
Definition: World.cpp:61
bool IsImpenetrable(const Body &body) noexcept
Is this body treated like a bullet for continuous collision detection?
Definition: Body.hpp:726
LinearVelocity2 GetLinearVelocity(const Body &body) noexcept
Gets the linear velocity of the center of mass.
Definition: Body.hpp:1168
Mass data.
Definition: MassData.hpp:41
std::size_t size(const DynamicTree &tree) noexcept
Gets the "size" of the given tree.
Definition: DynamicTree.hpp:773
bool Awaken(Body &body) noexcept
Awakens the body if it's asleep.
Definition: Body.hpp:1056
BodyID GetBodyB(const Contact &contact) noexcept
Gets the body B ID of the given contact.
Definition: Contact.hpp:588
void SetPreSolveContactListener(WorldImpl &world, std::function< void(ContactID, const Manifold &)> listener) noexcept
Registers a pre-solve contact event listener.
Definition: WorldImplMisc.cpp:73
bool IsTouching(const Contact &contact) noexcept
Gets whether the given contact is touching or not.
Definition: Contact.hpp:658
constexpr auto StripUnit(const T &v) -> decltype(StripUnit(v.get()))
Strips the unit from the given value.
Definition: Math.hpp:121
Frequency GetLinearDamping(const Body &body) noexcept
Gets the linear damping of the body.
Definition: Body.hpp:987
void SetPreSolveContactListener(ManifoldContactListener listener) noexcept
Registers a pre-solve contact event listener.
Definition: World.cpp:66
bool GetCollideConnected(const Joint &object) noexcept
Gets collide connected.
Definition: Joint.hpp:293
FixtureID GetFixtureB(const Contact &contact) noexcept
Gets the fixture B associated with the given contact.
Definition: Contact.hpp:602
void SetVelocity(Body &body, const Velocity &value) noexcept
Sets the body's velocity (linear and angular velocity).
Definition: Body.hpp:1158
DistanceJointConf GetDistanceJointConf(const Joint &joint) noexcept
Gets the definition data for the given joint.
Definition: DistanceJointConf.cpp:68
BodyID GetBodyA(const Contact &contact) noexcept
Gets the body A ID of the given contact.
Definition: Contact.hpp:581
constexpr BodyConf & UseLocation(Length2 l) noexcept
Use the given location.
Definition: BodyConf.hpp:172
BodyCounter GetAwakeCount(const World &world) noexcept
Gets the count of awake bodies in the given world.
Definition: WorldBody.cpp:536
Polygon shape configuration.
Definition: PolygonShapeConf.hpp:42
Ray-cast input data for N-dimensions.
Definition: RayCastInput.hpp:38
Velocity GetVelocity(const Body &body) noexcept
Gets the velocity.
Definition: Body.hpp:1148
constexpr ConcreteConf & UseFriction(NonNegative< Real > value) noexcept
Uses the given friction.
Definition: ShapeConf.hpp:95
constexpr auto Meter
Meter unit of Length.
Definition: Units.hpp:337
auto NeedsFiltering(const Contact &contact) noexcept
Whether or not the contact needs filtering.
Definition: Contact.hpp:679
constexpr bool empty(IndexPair3 pairs) noexcept
Checks whether the given collection of index pairs is empty.
Definition: IndexPair.hpp:69
constexpr auto to_underlying(T value) noexcept -> underlying_type_t< T >
Converts the given value to the value as the underlying type.
Definition: IndexingNamedType.hpp:183
const Point & GetPoint(size_type index) const noexcept
Gets the point identified by the given index.
Definition: Manifold.hpp:361
constexpr BodyConf & UseLinearAcceleration(LinearAcceleration2 v) noexcept
Use the given linear acceleration.
Definition: BodyConf.hpp:204
SizedRange< std::vector< BodyID >::const_iterator > GetBodiesForProxies(const World &world) noexcept
Gets the bodies-for-proxies range for the given world.
Definition: WorldBody.cpp:53
Length2 target
The initial world target point. This is assumed to coincide with the body anchor initially.
Definition: TargetJointConf.hpp:102
detail::IndexingNamedType< FixtureCounter, struct FixtureIdentifier > FixtureID
Fixture identifier.
Definition: FixtureID.hpp:30
Frequency GetAngularDamping(const Body &body) noexcept
Gets the angular damping of the body.
Definition: Body.hpp:1003
Length2 GetLocalAnchorB(const Joint &object)
Get the anchor point on body-B in local coordinates.
Definition: Joint.cpp:96
NonNegative< Force > maxForce
Max force.
Definition: TargetJointConf.hpp:113
bool IsSpeedable(const Body &body) noexcept
Is "speedable".
Definition: Body.hpp:708
BodyCounter GetAwakeCount(const World &world) noexcept
Gets the count of awake bodies in the given world.
Definition: WorldBody.cpp:536
Length2 localPoint
Local point.
Definition: Manifold.hpp:137
A collision response oriented description of the intersection of two convex shapes.
Definition: Manifold.hpp:65
PulleyJointConf GetPulleyJointConf(const Joint &joint)
Gets the definition data for the given joint.
Definition: PulleyJointConf.cpp:71
FixtureID GetFixtureA(const Contact &contact) noexcept
Gets the fixture A associated with the given contact.
Definition: Contact.hpp:595
Wheel joint definition.
Definition: WheelJointConf.hpp:55
void SetLocation(World &world, BodyID body, Length2 value)
Sets the body's location.
Definition: WorldBody.cpp:138
constexpr auto InvalidBodyID
Invalid body ID value.
Definition: BodyID.hpp:33
constexpr auto Square(TYPE t) noexcept
Squares the given value.
Definition: Math.hpp:161
std::remove_const< decltype(MaxChildCount)>::type ChildCounter
Child counter type.
Definition: Settings.hpp:97
void SetFixtureDestructionListener(const FixtureListener &listener) noexcept
Registers a destruction listener for fixtures.
Definition: World.cpp:46
Step configuration.
Definition: StepConf.hpp:42
SizedRange< Bodies::const_iterator > GetBodiesForProxies() const noexcept
Gets the bodies-for-proxies range for this world.
Definition: World.cpp:156
void Destroy(BodyID id)
Destroys the identified body.
Definition: World.cpp:176
bool IsAccelerable(BodyType type)
Is "accelerable".
Definition: BodyType.hpp:75
Fixed< BT, FB > cos(Fixed< BT, FB > arg)
Computes the cosine of the argument for Fixed types.
Definition: FixedMath.hpp:442
LinearVelocity2 linear
Linear velocity.
Definition: Velocity.hpp:39
constexpr auto EarthlyGravity
Earthly gravity in 2-dimensions.
Definition: Vector2.hpp:154
bool IsSleepingAllowed(const Body &body) noexcept
Gets whether or not this body allowed to sleep.
Definition: Body.hpp:754
RegStepStats reg
Reg-phase step statistics.
Definition: StepStats.hpp:118
void SetEndContactListener(WorldImpl &world, std::function< void(ContactID)> listener) noexcept
Registers an end contact event listener.
Definition: WorldImplMisc.cpp:68
constexpr std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point< T >::value, bool > AlmostEqual(T x, T y, int ulp=2)
Determines whether the given two values are "almost equal".
Definition: Math.hpp:238
BodyCounter GetBodyCount(const World &world) noexcept
Gets the body count in the given world.
Definition: WorldBody.hpp:808
FixtureID GetFixtureA() const noexcept
Gets fixture A in this contact.
Definition: Contact.hpp:413
void SetSensor(FixtureConf &conf, bool value) noexcept
Sets whether or not the given configuration is a sensor.
Definition: FixtureConf.hpp:161
NonNegative< Length > GetVertexRadius(const DistanceProxy &arg) noexcept
Gets the vertex radius property of a given distance proxy.
Definition: DistanceProxy.hpp:205
Length GetMinVertexRadius() const noexcept
Gets the minimum vertex radius that shapes in this world can be.
Definition: World.cpp:116
Contact Impulse.
Definition: ContactImpulsesList.hpp:38
Invalid argument logic error.
Definition: InvalidArgument.hpp:33
FixtureID CreateFixture(World &world, FixtureConf def, bool resetMassData)
Creates a fixture within the specified world.
Definition: WorldFixture.cpp:48
Fixed< BT, FB > sin(Fixed< BT, FB > arg)
Computes the sine of the argument for Fixed types.
Definition: FixedMath.hpp:433
float Real
Real-number type.
Definition: Real.hpp:69
constexpr DiskShapeConf & UseRadius(NonNegative< Length > r) noexcept
Uses the given value as the radius.
Definition: DiskShapeConf.hpp:65
Real ComputePerimeterRatio(const DynamicTree &tree) noexcept
Gets the ratio of the sum of the perimeters of nodes to the root perimeter.
Definition: DynamicTree.cpp:761
void SetJointDestructionListener(const JointListener &listener) noexcept
Registers a destruction listener for joints.
Definition: World.cpp:51
Configuration for a body.
Definition: BodyConf.hpp:50
constexpr Length2 GetLocation(const Transformation &value) noexcept
Gets the location information from the given transformation.
Definition: Transformation.hpp:69
bool bullet
Is this a fast moving body that should be prevented from tunneling through other moving bodies?...
Definition: BodyConf.hpp:160
Rope joint definition.
Definition: RopeJointConf.hpp:57
EdgeShapeConf & UseVertexRadius(NonNegative< Length > value) noexcept
Uses the given vertex radius.
Definition: EdgeShapeConf.hpp:107
constexpr AABB< N > & Include(AABB< N > &var, const Vector< Length, N > &value) noexcept
Includes the given location into the given AABB.
Definition: AABB.hpp:270
detail::IndexingNamedType< BodyCounter, struct BodyIdentifier > BodyID
Identifier for bodies.
Definition: BodyID.hpp:30
bool IsAccelerable(const Body &body) noexcept
Is "accelerable".
Definition: Body.hpp:718
2-D velocity related data structure.
Definition: Velocity.hpp:38
@ Terminate
End the ray-cast search for fixtures.
iteration_type maxSubSteps
Maximum sub steps.
Definition: StepConf.hpp:264
constexpr WorldConf GetDefaultWorldConf() noexcept
Gets the default definitions value.
Definition: WorldConf.hpp:90
bool IsLocked() const noexcept
Is the world locked (in the middle of a time step).
Definition: World.cpp:106
LinearAcceleration2 linearAcceleration
Initial linear acceleration of the body.
Definition: BodyConf.hpp:125
Prismatic joint definition.
Definition: PrismaticJointConf.hpp:57
StepStats Step(WorldImpl &world, const StepConf &conf)
Steps the given world the specified amount.
Definition: WorldImplMisc.cpp:85
constexpr WorldConf & UseMinVertexRadius(Positive< Length > value) noexcept
Uses the given min vertex radius value.
Definition: WorldConf.hpp:66
Distance joint definition.
Definition: DistanceJointConf.hpp:52
WeldJointConf GetWeldJointConf(const Joint &joint)
Gets the definition data for the given joint.
Definition: WeldJointConf.cpp:101
Acceleration GetAcceleration(const Body &body) noexcept
Gets the given body's acceleration.
Definition: Body.hpp:1020
Wrong state logic error.
Definition: WrongState.hpp:33
Definition: Vector.hpp:49
FixtureCounter GetFixtureCount(const World &world, BodyID id)
Gets the count of fixtures associated with the identified body.
Definition: WorldBody.hpp:129
Angle GetAngle(const Body &body) noexcept
Gets the body's angle.
Definition: Body.hpp:902
FixtureID GetFixtureB(const Contact &contact) noexcept
Gets the fixture B associated with the given contact.
Definition: Contact.hpp:602
LinearVelocity2 linearVelocity
The linear velocity of the body's origin in world co-ordinates (in m/s).
Definition: BodyConf.hpp:118
TypeID GetType(const Shape &shape) noexcept
Gets the type info of the use of the given shape.
Definition: Shape.hpp:329
auto NeedsUpdating(const Contact &contact) noexcept
Whether or not the contact needs updating.
Definition: Contact.hpp:686
PLAYRHO_QUANTITY(boost::units::si::mass) Mass
Mass quantity.
Definition: Units.hpp:184
constexpr BodyConf & UseEnabled(bool value) noexcept
Use the given enabled state.
Definition: BodyConf.hpp:264
Size GetLeafCount() const noexcept
Gets the current leaf node count.
Definition: DynamicTree.hpp:572
Target joint definition.
Definition: TargetJointConf.hpp:48
constexpr bool TestOverlap(const AABB< N > &a, const AABB< N > &b) noexcept
Tests for overlap between two axis aligned bounding boxes.
Definition: AABB.hpp:187
BodyID GetBody(const FixtureConf &conf) noexcept
Gets the body of the given configuration.
Definition: FixtureConf.hpp:119
PLAYRHO_QUANTITY(boost::units::si::moment_of_inertia) RotInertia
Rotational inertia quantity.
Definition: Units.hpp:274
playrho::detail::IndexingNamedType< FixtureCounter, struct FixtureIdentifier >
void ApplyForceToCenter(World &world, BodyID id, Force2 force)
Applies a force to the center of mass of the given body.
Definition: WorldBody.hpp:696
2-D acceleration related data structure.
Definition: Acceleration.hpp:33
LinearAcceleration2 GetLinearAcceleration(const Body &body) noexcept
Gets this body's linear acceleration.
Definition: Body.hpp:1040
FixtureID GetFixtureB() const noexcept
Gets fixture B in this contact.
Definition: Contact.hpp:418
ContactCounter GetContactCount(const World &world) noexcept
Gets the count of contacts in the given world.
Definition: WorldContact.hpp:287
MotorJointConf GetMotorJointConf(const Joint &joint) noexcept
Gets the definition data for the given joint.
Definition: MotorJointConf.cpp:67
InvMass GetInvMass(const Body &body) noexcept
Gets the inverse total mass of the body.
Definition: Body.hpp:967
Momentum tangentImpulse
Tangent impulse.
Definition: Manifold.hpp:155
bool IsSpeedable(BodyType type)
Is "speedable".
Definition: BodyType.hpp:62
Length aabbExtension
AABB extension.
Definition: StepConf.hpp:206
auto NeedsFiltering(const Contact &contact) noexcept
Whether or not the contact needs filtering.
Definition: Contact.hpp:679
Length2 location
The world location of the body. Avoid creating bodies at the origin since this can lead to many overl...
Definition: BodyConf.hpp:112
Length2 GetLocation(const Body &body) noexcept
Gets the body's origin location.
Definition: Body.hpp:871
A joint-like constraint on one or more bodies.
Definition: Joint.hpp:144
BodyID bodyB
2nd attached body.
Definition: JointConf.hpp:39
void SetFixtureDestructionListener(WorldImpl &world, std::function< void(FixtureID)> listener) noexcept
Registers a destruction listener for fixtures.
Definition: WorldImplMisc.cpp:51
Definition: Shape.hpp:183
DynamicTree::Height GetHeight(const DynamicTree &tree) noexcept
Gets the height of the binary tree.
Definition: DynamicTree.hpp:680
bool GetSubStepping() const noexcept
Gets whether or not sub-stepping is enabled.
Definition: World.cpp:91
A potential contact between the children of two Fixture objects.
Definition: Contact.hpp:76
constexpr auto & GetY(T &value)
Gets the "Y" element of the given value - i.e. the second element.
Definition: Math.hpp:73
std::remove_const< decltype(MaxJoints)>::type JointCounter
Counter type for joints.
Definition: Settings.hpp:239
Vector2< Length > Length2
2-element vector of Length quantities.
Definition: Vector2.hpp:43
StepStats Step(const StepConf &conf=StepConf{})
Steps the world simulation according to the given configuration.
Definition: World.cpp:81
void SetSleepingAllowed(Body &body, bool value) noexcept
You can disable sleeping on this body. If you disable sleeping, the body will be woken.
Definition: Body.hpp:763
void SetAccelerations(World &world, Acceleration acceleration) noexcept
Sets the accelerations of all the world's bodies to the given value.
Definition: WorldBody.cpp:558
void SetFilterData(FixtureConf &conf, Filter value) noexcept
Sets the filter-data of the given configuration.
Definition: FixtureConf.hpp:175
Friction joint definition.
Definition: FrictionJointConf.hpp:49
constexpr auto Pi
Definition: RealConstants.hpp:54
Size GetNodeCount() const noexcept
Gets the current count of allocated nodes.
Definition: DynamicTree.hpp:567
counter_type proxiesMoved
Proxies moved count.
Definition: StepStats.hpp:34
bool IsSpeedable(const Body &body) noexcept
Is "speedable".
Definition: Body.hpp:708
void SetSubStepping(bool flag) noexcept
Enables/disables single stepped continuous physics.
Definition: World.cpp:96
void SetLinearDamping(Body &body, NonNegative< Frequency > value) noexcept
Sets the linear damping of the body.
Definition: Body.hpp:995
Length targetDepth
Target depth.
Definition: StepConf.hpp:124
const DynamicTree & GetTree(const WorldImpl &world) noexcept
Gets access to the broad-phase dynamic tree information.
Definition: WorldImplMisc.cpp:152
BodyID FindClosestBody(const World &world, Length2 location) noexcept
Finds body in given world that's closest to the given location.
Definition: WorldBody.cpp:574
Momentum normalImpulse
Normal impulse.
Definition: Manifold.hpp:149
void SetJointDestructionListener(WorldImpl &world, std::function< void(JointID)> listener) noexcept
Registers a destruction listener for joints.
Definition: WorldImplMisc.cpp:57
bool IsAccelerable(const Body &body) noexcept
Is "accelerable".
Definition: Body.hpp:718
StepStats Step(WorldImpl &world, const StepConf &conf)
Steps the given world the specified amount.
Definition: WorldImplMisc.cpp:85
Length maxLinearCorrection
Maximum linear correction.
Definition: StepConf.hpp:183
auto HasValidToi(const Contact &contact) noexcept
Gets whether a TOI is set.
Definition: Contact.hpp:694
void SetTarget(Joint &object, Length2 value)
Sets the given joint's target property if it has one.
Definition: Joint.cpp:468
bool IsImpenetrable(const Body &body) noexcept
Is this body treated like a bullet for continuous collision detection?
Definition: Body.hpp:726
void SetBeginContactListener(WorldImpl &world, std::function< void(ContactID)> listener) noexcept
Registers a begin contact event listener.
Definition: WorldImplMisc.cpp:63
LinearVelocity velocityThreshold
Velocity threshold.
Definition: StepConf.hpp:138
constexpr Vec2 GetVec2(const UnitVec value)
Gets a Vec2 representation of the given value.
Definition: Math.hpp:712
void Query(const DynamicTree &tree, const AABB &aabb, const DynamicTreeSizeCB &callback)
Query the given dynamic tree and find nodes overlapping the given AABB.
Definition: DynamicTree.cpp:704
GearJointConf GetGearJointConf(const Joint &joint) noexcept
Gets the definition data for the given joint.
Definition: GearJointConf.cpp:74
constexpr auto Second
Second unit of time.
Definition: Units.hpp:320
FixtureConf & UseIsSensor(bool value) noexcept
Uses the given sensor state value.
Definition: FixtureConf.hpp:73
LinearAcceleration2 GetLinearAcceleration(const Body &body) noexcept
Gets this body's linear acceleration.
Definition: Body.hpp:1040
PrismaticJointConf GetPrismaticJointConf(const Joint &joint)
Gets the definition data for the given joint.
Definition: PrismaticJointConf.cpp:126
Revolute joint definition.
Definition: RevoluteJointConf.hpp:64
FixtureID GetFixtureA(const Contact &contact) noexcept
Gets the fixture A associated with the given contact.
Definition: Contact.hpp:595
constexpr Length2 GetLocalPoint() const noexcept
Gets the local point.
Definition: Manifold.hpp:406
void ClearForces(World &world) noexcept
Clears forces.
Definition: WorldBody.hpp:826
ChildCounter GetChildCount(const ChainShapeConf &arg) noexcept
Gets the child count for a given chain shape configuration.
Definition: ChainShapeConf.hpp:151
FixtureID CreateFixture(World &world, FixtureConf def=FixtureConf{}, bool resetMassData=true)
Creates a fixture within the specified world.
Definition: WorldFixture.cpp:48
void SetAngularDamping(Body &body, NonNegative< Frequency > value) noexcept
Sets the angular damping of the body.
Definition: Body.hpp:1011
void SetSubStepping(WorldImpl &world, bool value) noexcept
Enables/disables single stepped continuous physics.
Definition: WorldImplMisc.cpp:132
JointID CreateJoint(const Joint &def)
Creates a joint to constrain one or more bodies.
Definition: World.cpp:221
void SetPostSolveContactListener(WorldImpl &world, std::function< void(ContactID, const ContactImpulsesList &, unsigned)> listener) noexcept
Registers a post-solve contact event listener.
Definition: WorldImplMisc.cpp:79
NonNegative< Length > tolerance
Definition: StepConf.hpp:132
Vector2< Force > Force2
2-element vector of Force quantities.
Definition: Vector2.hpp:55
Disk shape configuration.
Definition: DiskShapeConf.hpp:42